Favourite picture of the day! :D
I am so so so so not suppose to be blogging right now, but schoolwork is driving me nuts!!! :'( And, I'm a happy kid today! As always, actually! ♥
Busy 2 weeks. After today's GUI presentation, there's a resume and role-play script to be submitted by this week. Then, it'll be a quiz, a practical test, role-playing, 'job' interview and a stupid research project & presentation due next week. Zzz So busy!!
But thereafter, WEEK9 WILL BE FREE FREE FREE!! ♥
Well, not really but yeah - Kindda free. ;)
Totally can't wait for holidays and the confirm-very-fun Thailand trip!!! &Yes, I'm already thinking about the overseas trip... And I'm thinking about it a lot!!! :D
Also, CHRISTMAS IS COMING COMING COMING!!! :D 24 more days to Christmas! Though I don't really celebrate Christmas, it's a day for me and a few very good friends to come together and spend some quality time.. Not forgetting, exchanging GIFTS!!! ♥
Then, 6days after, we'll be happily giving 2010 a warm welcome!!! ♥
Boy, time flies. Next thing we know, it'll be Lunar New Year already.
Okay, fast forwarded too much! But, I'M SO EXCITED!!! (For no apparent reason. -.-)
ALRIGHTY! Just in case I'm already boring you of my mundane schoolwork and my hyper rants... Here's some pictures~
But first, check up my new wallpaper!! ^^ hehehe

Currently playing one of my ♥favourite songs too!!
My 5th time repeating it already!

My funny tutee. ;)
(From yesterday~~)
We were supposedly having a presentation session, but while waiting...
Poke, poke!

LOL. Sudden picture attack!

Like my hair here. heheh. BUT WHY CAN'T SEE THE PRETTY RED HIGHLIGHTS?! tsk.

Tomorrow's going to be a nice day too. ;)

Right before their turn to present. HAHA.
Proves how girls just can't resist getting into the picture. ;)
Lim Guan complaining that she can't be seen in the picture~~ CAN LO! Lol.

Okay, back to work nowwwwww. =.=|||
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