School ended perfectly! Lol. Had an awesome last lesson, totally love that fantastic tutor. ;) However, my last test was pretty... :S No comments, I just hope I didn't screw it as bad as I think. ;)
AND THEN!!! Had a great start to the holidays~~
Slacked a little in school, waited for some friends, decide to miss movies, discuss where to go and tadahhhhh! decision was made to head out to Bishan!!! ^^

Slacking in the lab. ;)

Took pictures together then realise Siyi's smile was pretty so, we asked her to not move at all. LOL! And, she did! While we took turns to take pictures with her. hehe.

Weiming's up next. ;)
And nope, he didn't join us for the after... ;)
No idea why I did what I did ~~ =x

Guan and Siyi

Tango no? LOL!
What we did was simple, slacked and chilled at... COFFEE BEAN!! Hahaha.
Our favourite tutor was there too! For a while only though. hehe.
Ordered our drinks, waited for them then... then... then... EXCHANGED PRESENTS!!! Haha. It's my first time with these girls and their first time doing something like this. woot! Love moments like these. hurhur.
Giver side one~
Giver side two~
We started off with giving present to the youngest! :D
Siewcheng got it from Fei Fei
Lim Guan got it from Siewcheng
Me got it from Yingling
Yingling got it from Lim Guan
Siyi got it from ME
and Fei Fei got it from Siyi. :D
Favourite one because you can see us calefare behind! LOL.
Fei Fei loved the gift she got from Siyi ... :D
See! Happy~~~
While she was reading it,

I was a bit... :(
Because my gift didn't arrive on time, I had to use the card as a substitute for now. Sad!

But I'm glad she like it still. hehe.

Yingling's turn! :D
She started off gentle...
but then...

She couldn't take it and became violent! Hahhaa. So cute.
:D Pretty light from Lim Guan!

My turn my turn my turn!!
I just realise, it got out of order. LOL!

Showing off my pretty gift! Lol.

Love it! :D

One more to my collection. ;)
1. Anticipating her gift!
2. Slowly unwrapping it!
3. Gets a bit annoyed already~~
4. Took a peek because she couldn't stand the anticipation! LOL.
Loving her gift.
But, the inside of this album is even better!
Happy looking at them... Siewcheng's so niceeeeeee!!! :D
OMG! Guan, you totally look like her in this picture la!!! Especially that smile!!! LOL!
Lovely chengcheng's turn!
Fei Fei got her a really pretty and nice perfume! :D
She look like a witch here. =x
Random shots along the way. ;)
Shots of girls cam-whoring. LOL
The love for cheng's present and Yingling's no degree specs. LOL!
Imitating the photo album! :D
Guan says we're sweet! Hehehe.
Yingling and her iTouch! Hmpf.
She kept playing it while we were bonding. LOL!
So, I kept it safe in my bag. =x But then! We totally forgot about it and had to meet again when we actually parted and went our separate ways already. =,=
Silly and forgetful us... :D
After about an hour or two? or maybe even three hours of slacking and chilling and talking and whatever whatever in Coffee Bean, Yingling got hungry and we walked across to Manhattan Fish Market for dinnerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :D

:D The tall ones!
Guan "Take this picture of the guy, so cool!"
This is pretty funny! Hahah.
I forgot to change the mode of the camera and it turned out to be swap colour when we took this picture. hurhur. And that person who took this picture for us kept giving weird and shocked facial expression when she's done taking the pictures. hahaha.

When Siyi was going to part... :(
Taking her bag~~~
And walking off. HAHAH.

Waking up early tomorrow! :D
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