Hey creatures!
Today's an active day. ;) Watched a pretty dumb horror film with the usual before we head out to play badminton. Raining chickens and ducks. x.x Totally spoiled our mood - and I looked like some auntie with three umbrellas. LOL!
Movie was really dumb; but can't blame, we've watched most of the other stupid horror films. LOL! Badminton was superrrrr funny! You'll have to admit that when Soohou's around. His fast moves and silly noises. hahahah. Classic moments. Haven't had such a great laugh for a frigging long time. ;/
&boy! Lance keep asking me to thank him. :( And this is sooooooo spreading. -.- Lol.
Misses misses misses...
Results out soon. Ouh~
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