Monday, June 25, 2007


before starting on my post i would like to declare something;

WEISHAN very de WEIDA!!!! (: love her to bits~ ^^

and, CINDY's coming back tomorrow! YEAHS! miss her lotts. :)

first day of Term3.
hate the morning! so many students with unacceptable hairstyle and length. they occupied the whole of our general office larhs! still have to keep on going down the row to see them record their names. hello? i'm like not suppose to be doing all these but the Sec3s?!? was kindda fed-up because of them too. Nizam went to call them for help and yet they took their own sweet time to walk down?! gosh. they even had the cheek to ask permission to leave because they think that there's too many people present. so dumb! they should at least help the sec4s? just can't stand it whenever they talk about their studies.. i really wonder; who's taking Os this year?


anyway, lessons were boring as usual (we had Maths for almost the whole day!). Relative Velocity = CMI.. don't really understand at all. hahas! after school, stayed back to complete Emaths holiday assignments before heading to Kovan to buy my stationeries. hate it when i have to go all the way there just to buy a few pens.. lols. what's more, the price gone up by 5cents!! hahas. Weishan's really nice to accompany us over. felt really bad when she left for home alone.

accompanied Gary, Darius and Nicholas for lunch at Sakae. chatted, joked and suddenly we were having some flashbacks. lols.

done with the day like that. LOLs. just detest morning. (:

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