Tuesday, November 07, 2006


i know my previous post would create a huge commotion if people read. but, i'm really prepared for all the insults and nasty comments behind my back or right at my face.

hais. my mom is sick. food poisoning. but, i can't do anything. rushed back from school to accompany her to the doctor. all i can do is stay at home and let her know i'm around. but, i'm not doing any help. she's the one feeling the pain. hais. i'm such a loser. feeling the pain in the heart is nothing. no one knows what i really feel. all they do is criticise and say that i'm wrong. i do make mistakes too. at least, i'm not a failure by not learning from them(my mistakes). i'm a human with feelings too. how can i judge myself? how can i say that i'm wrong when i don't even realise that i've done something wrong?


how i wish i can leave this school as soon as possible. not that my school is bad but i want to run away from all the problems i'm facing now. at least, i won't feel so pressured.

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