Tuesday, October 17, 2006

RESULTS!!!! -.-"

hmms. didn't want to go to school today but because i want back my scripts, had to drag myself back to school.

got back most papers except for History(tomorrow).. can't remember i'm still lacking of what subject. LOLs.


English(paper 2) : 10/25 -comprehension, 14/25 -summary

E.Maths(paper1) : 64/80
E.Maths(paper2) : 73/100

Physics(sectionA) : 28/30
Physics(sectionB&C) : 38/70

A.Maths : 75/100

Social Studies : 20/50

Computer Studies : 54/80

i hope i pass my english overall.. hais. i'm just glad with my maths paper. to me, E.Maths was kindda easy but i didn't expect to have not much of a careless mistakes(which is a good thing) compared to my past papers. A.Maths was like luck was with me throughout the paper. hahas. didn't expect to pass not to say get an A1.. but i'm still cool with the result. =]

as for Physics, i'm not proud at all.. not being arrogant about it but i just feel that it wasn't my best. i wasted almost half(or maybe even more than half) of the whole duration on my sectionA. the next two sections were disasterous.. hahas..

anyway, i'm also glad for my results for Computer Studies.. i was sure that my mind went blank at that point of time when my teacher gave out the paper. =]

hmms. dad's nagging, gotta go.. hehs.

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