Tuesday, August 15, 2006


just realise that fear always exist in everyone's mind, heart or whatever. it just exist in this world.

what do you fear? what do you fear least and most? got answers to that questions? hmms.

just had a little boy at my house. he's my sisters' friends' grandmother in-charge to look after. he started off shy. i was shock. couldn't figure out his blabbers. he came in. twice. interupted my reading twice. the third time he came in, he asked me whether he could play UNO. of course, i agreed. he went out and look for campanion. few minuetes later, he came in again and asked whether i can play with him. without hesitating, i said okay. it's been a while since i played with a kid. well, playing with a kid just makes me feel like them. so naive, carefree and stress-less.

played a few rounds(he doesn't know how to play exactly other than the colours) and found out his name. his age. my sisters' friend came over during the third round. asked to bring him home. i saw his reluctant eyes. suddenly darken. it seems so different from the lighted ones. the ones before my sisters' friend came in. he answered no. he doesn't want to go home.

my curiousity got the better of me and i started asking why. soon, i found out that he didn't wanna go home because hes' younger sister, aged 3, always bully him, the elder brother aged 6, i saw the fear in his eyes and felt it in his voice.

at such a young age and he doesn't want to go home. the existence of fear really brings out the greys in everyone. right? maybe i'm wrong because i know i'm not making sense here. have been like this these two days. not making sense. giving silly comments. making stupid jokes. no one gets me. at least for now, no one does. =]

guess i should get going. my eyes getting tired again, for the don't know how many times, and i need some rest. =] where's my EYEMO?!?

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