So..... Birthday.

Last night, the clique met up for a few hours to celebrate Soohou's 23rd birthday. :)

Dinner was at a really nice place: Cook & Brew (hungrygowhere page) @ The Westin Singapore

I liked the place. Very much.
I liked how sparse the place is designed.
Each table is located quite away from one another. We won't be eavesdropping at other tables' conversation and could just chat comfortably among ourselves.
With the restaurant located so high up and so near Marina Bay Floating Platform, we could see fireworks displaying from the National Day Parade going on nearby~ Only a rehearsal, but the fireworks were still very pretty! Pity we were slightly late, and the building infront blocked half the fireworks. Still, we had a good time together. Fireworks were just the cherry on top of the cake.

Birthday Boy!
We celebrated his birthday a day belated.
And this entry is blogged two days after his birthday. :3

The serious, the stern and the smirking.

Now now, foooooood pictures!!

My Fish & Chips.
Soohou mentioned it's nice. But I didn't really like it.
The batter was thick for me and I got quite sick of it. BUT! The fish was pretty tender and really soft inside.

Weishan & Gary's Steak and Egg.
Nothing special. shrug And the steak was dry.

Farmers' Omelete?
Samuel said it was very salty. Doubt he finished it.


Group shots before dinner~
The restaurant's lighting it terrible for photo taking.

A surprise for Soohou!
Tiramisu for his birthday cake! :D

It taste quite nice!

After dinner, we contemplated for quite a while. Couldn't decide where to go and what to do. But there were quiet a few of us who had to head home early to rest or for other commitments. In the end, we went around to take pictures and explore the hotel before heading back home.

Model wannabe xD

After these shots, Gary adjusted the camera and totally cut Lance off. LOL.

A kind soul volunteered to take a picture for us!
We were using the nearby dustbin as our tripod. xD

Me and my short hands only capturing us few. LOL.

Pretty girls of the night.
Weishan and Chiulee.

Last few shots!

Favourite shots!

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