My first JB trip with friends and it's with my favourite friends! ^^

A picture to summarize our trip.
All smiles and in happy mood throughout the 14hours we were together. ♥
Seriously, what have I done to deserve these wonderful wonderful people.

Definitely the best way to end the year. ♥
Even though we did not go on New Year's Eve, at least we were together when the clock strike 12mn to New Year's Eve.
So..... I'm going to insist this is how I ended my 2013. Bwahahahah! xD
After their crazy first trip to JB (I couldn't go because my mother was firm on her redlight), they said I really should try persuading my mother to let me to join them. They even mentioned how they've discussed to do up a presentation in formal wear to talk my mother into letting me join. Hahahahah. What cute friends I have. ♥
And then, chalet happened. Mother checked in for us and was in the chalet for the toilet :x when I brought it up infront of Gary. I thought she would say 'No' again but instead, she coolly said "Go lo. Be back by 9pm." :O ?! What kindda sorcery is this?! I think she was already in the holiday spirit and wasn't really listening/thinking when I asked her. Lol.
Regardless; Gary shared the news and we started discussing available dates within the year just in case my mother change her mind (she's famous for that). And and and...... YESTERDAY WAS CHOSEN!! Woohoo.
Except, not exactly very woohoo since it was probably not that ideal to go on a New Year's Eve's eve. :/
THERE WERE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE JAMS!!! So many many cars; especially Singapore cars. :O
We met up slightly past 9am and got everyone in the car by 9:36am. The start of 2 hours jam started at 10am. We finally exited the custom around 12pm.
We were elated! And was super duper hungry.
BUT!!! With great luck, there were police checking Singapore cars. Checking if they have paid their fines issued by Malaysia. Amazing enough, we were one of them. So so so lucky. Zz In the end, we spent about an hour in the police station. Gary's car plate number has a few unpaid fines. One of them were issued in 1999. 1999?! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING US?! The car didn't even exist then and if it did, the car would have been scraped. Another was in 2003. -,- Concluded that they were fines by previous owner of the car plate since Gary's car plate number was bided.
Planned to wait for this person Gary knows in Malaysia to settle the fines but... real good luck happened. A kind auntie came up to us and shared that she has as many fines but was released after paying for just one, claiming that she doesn't have that much cash with her.
And,,, we were FINALLY off for JB at 1pm. Zzz
By then, we were famished.
Went for some fuel-ing and money changing before arriving at Aeon.
And............ before I start ranting with pictures we took, I must mention how much luck I've brought them in this trip! xD
After going through the jam (the girls even fell asleep!), we concluded that all these awesome luck must be due to me. The 老鼠屎 (direct translate: mouseshit. proper word: jinx). Lol. Since their first experience was very smooth sailing and with me joining, they have to rush to meet up curfew and now meet with many many many bad luck. Lol. Bad luck includes jam, the fine, more jams, sudden rain when we were going to the street market, even more jams, the closing of pirate ship and lastly MORE JAMS. Zzz
I guess I lived up to being the jinx. I was really lucky to actually be the only one who get drenched from knee below in the street market. Happened when the tent of some stalls in the street market suddenly decides to give way. :'( Gary was infront of me, Karena was just right beside me and the rest following behind. BUT, the tent just suddenly let go of all the water it was holding and gave me really wet shoes. :(
Gave us a really good laugh though.. Lol.

After starving, A&W FOR BRUNCH/LUNCH!!!
Wanted to go for Bak Kut Teh but thanks to all the time wasted, we just went straight to the mall.

It is actually Jolene and Weishan's first time meeting.
They look so awkward here like it's their first time seeing each other.

Had their corney, it was nice! ^^

Hungry Jolene is a sad Jolene.

After lunch, we roamed around the mall.
&Then, played arcade.
Teamed up for a game of basketball to see who's to treat icecream.
No one wanted to team up with me. Weishan and Karena even cheated!
Tsk. Damn asshole.
And then, my team lost. LOL!
But, I don't think we treated any one icecream.
They probably forgot. Bwahahhahhah.

Camwhoring in the toilet.
There were good lightings!
Took plenty of pictures with these pretty girls yesterday.
There were so many, I had a difficult time choosing my favourites!
Loving Karena's camera, it makes us all look good all the time!!!! ^^

Here's when Weishan was still in the toilet. :x

And when she came out.
I alternated our pictures to make it less repetitive.
But,, who cares, right? Lol.

Our outfit of the day. And there's Karena talking to the guys. Teehee.
After all the shopping, playing and roaming around, we decided to go for some popsicle from PopStar.

This was the most embarrassing picture we have ever tried to take.
As you can see, there are 'rocks' at the bottom of the picture.
We'd placed our camera alongside the edge(?) of a restaurant.
While taking our pictures, EVERYONE in the restaurant turned to look and stared at us.
Some were even smiling!
And we were in a camera mode where we have to wave our hands to take a picture.
Imagine the embarrassment. LOL.
But then again, heck luh #YOLO and we were in Malaysia! xD

Weishan, Jolene and Samuel all went for Banana Nutella (boring!!!!)
Gary went for Avocado Milk which he totally hated.
Karena went for Thai Milk Tea and I went for Dragonfruit and Lime.
I LOVE MINE!!! Banana Nutella was weird for me.
Jolene doesn't like mine though...
And why am I describing the icepops?! lol.

After icecream, we headed off to the next destination!

Us and our stained tongue because we're cool.
(plus one act yige Jolene)
Mine was really purple and Karena was orange. Lol.

I didn't include any of her camwhoring shots (without them already have 100+ pictures to upload please) but this has to be up here because of Weishan's glare. LOL.
Funny. Always glaring at people. O,O

&While we were on our way to the next destination, we occupied ourselves with more selfies!!!!

How much he covers the picture shows how big his head is. :x
The roadtrip was crazy fun all thanks to the girls' constant attempts to suck up to Gary. Lmao.
Praising him (a lot wtf) and sabotaging each other to make him leave us in JB. LOL.
Of course, Gary would never leave us in JB.
All for the fun of it.
Have to admit there were all super funny and sometimes a bit too cheesy. Lol.
But all the lies they said........ :O LOL.

With the boys, all together now! :D
ps: Our car was stationary. Duh!

So......... We took a really long car ride to the next mall.
Except... There was no next mall.
Gary lost his way. :(
In the end, we stopped by some pier to take group photos! ^^

Gary trying to be a model.
But a female model.
Guy models don't pose like that right?!
Must be instincts. :X

This place reminds me of Keppel Bay.
But of course, Keppel Bay looks way nicer. :x

And then here's Gary going damn gay it's hilarious!!!! Lol.

Here is like Gary going "Hey, I'm a bird, I can fly!" or something.
Why he got so many funny pattern one!

I have no idea why we're doing this too.
And I was the one who suggested it. :x

Karena found a new angle to take pictures!!

Weather for the day was fine.
Lighting was awesome.
All our pictures turned out so nice!
Our next destination was some ulu building.
It's a bit funny what we did there........

xD We played a few rounds of Table Tennis.
When I share that I did this, many people couldn't understand why the hell we would do that. But it was fun and really funny. The uncle who was the only one there was entertained by us too! I caught him smiling when we were making hell lots of noise.
Lucky for us, the place was empty.

Us after feeling sweaty from a few rounds.

Seriously, it's only with these people that even Table Tennis can be that crazy and fun of a game.
I think we should try staring at each other. See if we can make that a crazy fun thing to do too. LOL.

After an hour of Table Tennis, we went to the roof of the place and took some pictures. :)

Found this really nice circle.

I kindda got bored from this shot on. :x

Karena chasing us away because she wants a solo shot.
&Her reaction that way because someone probably told her we were going to just leave her there. lol.

So while she was at that, the three of us took the chance to take a picture without her! xD
She's always budging in!

They also took a few jump shots.

&only Samuel's was freaking nice!
After this, we left for KSL Mall.
Aim was to check out their streetmarket.
When we finally found a parking lot and headed out, IT POURED!!!
Okay, maybe not poured. But it was raining a little heavy.
Zzz How lucky can we get?! It was grey all day but no signs of rain until before we wanna go to the streetmarket. Zzz We end up going around the mall for a bit. And then, the rain became drizzle.

They sell a wide variety of things!
Like the usual pasar malam you can find here but with wet market stuffs!

This is very nice!!
But I think it's because I haven't had market's soya bean drink for the longest time. x,x

Uncle frying VERY VERY GOOD black carrot cake!
We bought 3 packets for two to share one.
We should have gotten one packet each or at least get the big packet. T^T
Not enough at all and it was soooooooooooo good.

I really wanted to give corn a miss.
BUT DAMMIT! They have at least 3/4 stalls along the entire stretch. Zz
End up getting the BBQ-ed and the steamed one.
Still love steam ones best. Sweeter! BBQ ones has the charred taste but... meh.

&Then, we left for the funfair.
But with my 老鼠屎 luck, we were caught in a jam on the way out. LIKE SERIOUSLY?! I was so frustrated. Lucky there was the carrot cake to keep me distracted. We were like kidding how when I alight, the jams would instantly smooth out. LOL.

After what seems like forever, we've finally arrived at the main highlight of the trip.

I miss all these kindda simple games.
Must bring my kid to these kindda things when I have mine.
Too much advanced technology now. x,x

And check out all it's poo. Ewww.
Played bumper car THREE TIMES!
It was really crazy fun and really violent to me. But the rest kept saying how it isn't as bad as the first time they played. LIKE REALLY?! I almost flew out of my seats a few times and my spectacles left my face TWICE!! :O These people are insane. Imagine how much more violent they were?!

After all the fun madness, we got caught in another 2 hours jam.
Couldn't make it in time for my 9pm curfew. :( BUT NO REGRETS!
Because it was a really good time and my 2013 has ended with a good bang! :D
After finally exiting the custom, everyone was complaining they were hungry because we didn't have enough for dinner.
And then, we went to Upper Thomson for some Bar Cho Mee.
Filling end to our night.


Yesterday was not only a day we had a lot of fun in JB. But also the day we had a lot of rated talks thanks to Karena. :x Hahahahaha. Funny how Jolene kept exclaiming that we're too comfortable with each other.
AND OH! One of the funniest joke we had yesterday was Karena going "So, Japan is the capital of Tokyo?" HAHAHHAHAHAH!!! SO BIMBO! We were discussing about countries and their capitals when she said it. Even Jolene who was asleep couldn't help but smile. This girl too cute. ♥
So blessed to have known these people.

ps: Last post of the year coming up! ^^
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