Met up with my pretty girlfriends yesterday to celebrate Weishan & Jolene's 22nd Birthday! :3
The 'twin' of the clique turns 22 in two days!
Both of them roughly planned their celebration but in the end, it wasn't exactly a celebration. LOL.
Only Karena and I were available making it a girlfriends celebration. ^^

We were supposedly going to watch Chiu Lee play in her rugby match but because we met up late, everything got pushed back.
In the end, we missed the entire game!
But it's okay, we end up having a really good time together anyway. :)

Dinner was at Porn's Sexy.Thai.Food

Would say the food was good and affordable!
We didn't try their Tom Yum soup though. :/

Plenty of camwhore shots because Karena's new lens makes all the pictures look nice! :D

HEHE. Trying to take a picture without Karena.
After this shot, we took off and headed down to find Chiu Lee.
A supposedly 20 minutes journey took us about an hour. :x
Girls and their sense of direction. Lol. Even with GPS guiding us, we were still pretty much lost!
It was like we were on a night roadtrip!! xD
But it was my bad~ The first time I searched "SRC", we end up heading towards Town. It was 10 minutes after that we realize we were wrong. Instead of Sports and Recreation Club, we almost went to Singapore Recreation Club. LOL! And then, when I searched "Sports and Recreation Club" the second time, we were directed to NUS's SRC instead of NTU's. ==;
Have never ever felt so so so stupid before. We even alighted to check out the place because I thought that maybe there's just one? And Jolene mentioned that NTU and NUS is probably nearby.
When we confirm we were wrong, I searched for the postal code to the location. Took another 20 minutes to finally reach the correct place. LOL.
Really joke of the night.
But it was nice. xD
So anyway, when we were going about in NTU, we realize how...... the school felt like another small neighborhood! It's really quite amazing. lol. And it was probably the only time we'll ever step foot in the school...... For now. hehe.

This Weishan.

The night lasted quite long.
After meeting up with Chiulee, we settled down in her hall and waited for her to bathe and prepare for bed. We just sat around in the room chatting and just... chatting. lol. But but but! The best part happened when Chiu Lee was back. We progressed from many many topics to a heart-to-heart session. HEHEHE.
I think it's always nice to have heart-to-heart talks. :)
It started raining really really heavily midway and we left for home at around 1am. The night was cold yet cozy. hehe. And our night ended with Jolene driving us home. :3