Instead of just gobbling down all the mooncakes and letting this festive pass like every other year, I thought it'll be nice to head out with the clique for a small celebration. ^^ Best decision! Super happy that we did because the night was awwwwwwesome!!!!

Ze favourite people of my life.
Last night was so so so fun and crazy that Weishan and I woke up extremely exhausted this morning for school. We barely survived class. (Actually, we didn't. :x We left halfway because Weishan was ferverish and I was just........... I almost doze off just 30 minutes into the lesson!!!!)
I have no idea why my body from below torso ache so badly though. I don't remember running or doing any extensive actions last night except waving sparkle sticks........ :/ But my arms don't hurt!?
Anyhow, it was a really great night with my favourite people. :) As always.
Lance join in much later and the night ended with us resting in MacDonalds because we were craving for something cool. ^^
And oh! Despite the fantastic time, I couldn't help but think and harp on the loss of my brand new $18 mobile camera lens. T^T Just when I'm broke, I have to lose something that's not exactly cheap. Zz Even though I have a spare (lucky!) I still feel dejected that I lost it. :( It's probably in Hougang 1's Gong Cha outlet though. Because that's the only time I remember seeing myself take it out for........ no apparent reason. Tsssssssssssssssssssssssk.
Okay. Enough whining.

Our lanterns, sparkles and candles proudly sponsored by Weishan. ^^
ps: Weishan's minion lantern is ugly and super annoying! lol.
It was a pretty long drive.

&TADAH! Here.

My pretty girlfriends and a tiko looking Gary. HAHAHAHA
ps: I didn't say Gary looks tiko here! One of the girls mentioned it last night.

$10 admission into a not so pretty garden! :x

This Karena is forever trying to get into pictures.
So when she was busy, we................................




Found a place to set up our lanterns. ^^

Look at what everyone's holding and spot the poser!!!!

While they were busy setting up, we camwhored!!! :D

You'll only get to see unglam shots here. ;)

LOVE LOVE LOVE Jolene's expression here. HAHAHAHHA.

Poser Karena spotted!

Lanterns the traditional way! ^^
I'm still bummed that there was no plastic kindda lanterns. T^T

Superman ones were really nice though!

Out of focus but nice shot. :(

Selfie gone wrong lol
(As described by Soohou)

Our lightsticks made these lanterns look kewl~ ;)

So....... We were trying to take a self-shot with this dinosaur and they suggested for me to stand on this huge rock. When we were almost ready for a shot, a really nice guy came forward and offered to help.
It was a really really nice gesture because I was very paranoid that I'll fall even before I manage a shot. LOL.


Did a few instavideos here. hehe.

Us preoccupied with this for the next... few minutes. LOL.
And yes, I thought my arms will sore from this!
It was crazy fast moving!
But, we didn't adjust the shutter speed so all these were the failed shots. Zz
Waster..... at least 8 sticks of sparkles here!


Lance arrived and we got down to... business. xD


After these shots. xD

We didn't put candles on these mooncake because it was weird and looked like we were offering it instead. :x
By the time we were done with our activities here, the park was practically empty...
There were probably less than 20 people around because it was late... Like... 10:30?

They spotted this and went in to play..

Nope, it's not operating anymore but just them running manually. LOL!

The two empty seats looked pretty creepy in the dark dark night.

After sparkles, we played with lightsticks! ^^

I hope we'll be celebrating this festive and many other till we age!
And then, we'll be bringing out kids to do stuffs like this too. xD

Random shot but here's Weishan asking Karena to roll their lightsticks down.

Get set... Ready... GO!
Obviously, only Karena the bimbo did it because Weishan was out to pull a prank. LOL.
Joke of the night. HEHE.
Should have had it filmed.

The night at the garden ended but not for ours~
We went to a nearby MacDonald to continue chilling and get some refreshments for about 30 minutes before going home. :)

In Lance's convertible!


Aftermath. xD
Okay, that's all for the night. &Here's my favourite shots! ^^

Oh. Our descending height look really nice here. hahahha.

Run run run!!!!
(I wasn't exactly thrilled with this dinosaur thing though.)
