It's past 4am right now and I should be getting some rest for a more productive study-time tomorrow~~~~ But but but, I thought it's better to blog about tonight's awesome dinner(&Yaping's birthday celebration), watch Running Man and make sure they do not distract me from studying tomorrow........... :D I've been missing quite a number of my drama though.......... :'(
So, today has been pretty productive and then, fun & enjoyable!!!

Well, any time with Shamyn is always enjoyable! :)

But first! I've met up with Yaping this morning to study.
Thus, the sad face.
I've never been the type to study outside.............. I always thought it's better to study at home and was never able to understand why people prefers studying outside when it's clearly more comfortable at home! Well, it was like that....... Until I stayed back in school to study one fine sunny day~ It was in the library and I was surprisingly as productive as I would be, at home! Though there's a higher tendency for me to peep and watch people around me... loll. (It's NOT creepy! People-watching is fun and very normal!) So, I thought I should kick-start this semesters' mugging with studying outside!
My pace is set and I hope I'll be able to absorb more tomorrow! :D
My pace is set and I hope I'll be able to absorb more tomorrow! :D

Of course, we did side track and chatted for a bit amidst studying!

Favourite picture! :D

&Then at 6pm, I went off to look for pretty Shamyn!
I'm glad we've been keeping up with our "meet once a month" promise to each other~ Though it has only been 4 months,,, a good start means a lot, right? Lol. We'll never know what will happen in future but I do hope we'll be keeping up with this promise and continue to meet up a lot a lot!!!!
It felt really nice, warm and fuzzy when Shamyn twitted:
It felt really nice, warm and fuzzy when Shamyn twitted:

awwww~ ♥
I feel the same! But of course, getting to know other colleagues like Jasmine and Karen has also brighten up my life and made working very much enjoyable too! ♥ All I so love love. hehe.
It has got something to do with fate when any individual come into our lives................ And then, it takes time, effort and genuine desire to maintain a relationship~ I'm glad I have a few friends who are on the same page as me on this.. :)
For some friendship that's pretty much one-sided, it's extremely tiring to try, try and try to maintain. Having to be the only one putting in effort may even cause people to reevaluate their self-worth......... Well, at least I've had been through such struggles before... lol. noobmuch.
:O where am I drifting to! ><
For some friendship that's pretty much one-sided, it's extremely tiring to try, try and try to maintain. Having to be the only one putting in effort may even cause people to reevaluate their self-worth......... Well, at least I've had been through such struggles before... lol. noobmuch.
:O where am I drifting to! ><

lol. Honestly, we took so many that I kept complaining having no more facial expressions!

:) So pretty!
Can be assured there's gonna be many many pictures of pretty Shamyn!
My bestfriend would be so happy knowing that right now. lmao.
Careful not to nosebleed, babo!

She has quite a number of selcas tonight and I bet she doesn't feel bad for spamming! ;)
ps: So many pretty ones, I couldn't bear not to upload!

Oh ya~ Dinner was at Fika... It's a nice place.

Love this brick-wall background!

#ootd shot!

I just have to insert some random shots of me to break the chain of pretty pictures!
Just in case there's too much pretty and people can't handle that. ;)

But honestly, it's just me being lazy to filter and rearrange the photos la!
All according to timeline!

Iced Latte and Strawberry Iced Tea.
Usually, sugar syrup has to be added to Iced Tea~ But surprisingly, theirs were just nice!

While waiting for our foooooooooooooood!

Feel like doing something to my hair.
Looks a mess!

Looks like she's looking up at herself.... lol.

This isn't posing! It's actually her trying to figure how to pose a nice "not looking into camera" picture.
lol. I swear!

hmmmmz. Not sure if posing. lol.

I kept snapping pictures and she laughed!



This expression because she made me cam-whore too!
Pictures at the end of the entry though, you may click close just before that~ lol.



(To me)

This is really nice too!

I was trying to instagram one of our pictures!!!!

Evidence of the photo I was trying to upload!

ps: I don't really upload food pictures but I get more likes for food pictures. PUI!

Yes, the toilet. lol.
After the great dinner (Shamyn treated me, again! So niceeeeeeeeee!) we headed down to 3.Inch.Sin because she wanted to try the Lava Cake recommended by LadyIronChef. Coincidentally, I had one just a few days before and didn't exactly liked that one so I was kindda................. not keen. Turns out, it's seriously good!

Better than twelve cupcakes for Shamyn~

Best when it's mixed and eaten together with the icecream! :O

Had a really really good chat over the cakes. :) I'm super happy that there's only two fax machine back then and one of them was behind me........................ If it weren't for that fax machine, I won't have talked to Shamyn and end up listening to her blabber for a whole 5~7 minutes about her situation. lol!!! And of course, if it weren't for that fax machine, I won't have found such a great friend. ^^

Laughing because I did something that I usually do with chocolates. ;)


I find this really funny. Me. lol.


Kindda sad Lina didn't join us again this time...........
Lina, if you're reading this, PLEASE REPLY MY MESSAGES!!!! :(
Lina, if you're reading this, PLEASE REPLY MY MESSAGES!!!! :(
Okay, some me pictures before I end off this entry!

ps: It's mandatory. lol.