Just came back(yesterday) from an awesome 4 days and 3 nights with family and my mother's friends. ^^ It is supposedly my mothers' trip with her friends to celebrate their 50(?) years friendship but........ I will never give up the chance to go on any cruising trip! :3
&, I'm so super glad that we joined them! This trip came at the right time! After two weeks of rushing my essays, this short getaway was very much needed. hehehe.
This time, there were a lot more Singaporeans and a lot of teenagers! I'm so jealous! I hope one day, I'll go on-board a cruise with my friends too! It'll be so fun and tiring. hahhaha. But of course, I doubt many shares the same kind of vacation interest. Cruising can easily be boring. But what matters more is who you're with, isn't it? :)

On-board the same board again. (Y)!
Walked around like we have lived in the place for a long time. hahahaha.
But this time, it's had underwent a USD60million renovation! :O
Though there wasn't any drastic changes, there were still changes here and there.
We didn't try the new restaurants though. Chargeable. Walao.

The new Cruise Centre!

Excited faces!

Dad so cute~

My new passport photo is goddamn ugly. Z

Mother is so smart.
Printed baggage tags on colored paper for her friends but kept them in the luggage.
Smartest move? She asked us to check in our luggage before meeting her friends. ==;
Yes, end up wasting those prints. lol.

Room room room!

This time window-less.
Cheaper by just a hundred. But okay la, we didn't spend much time in the room this time too.
When we switch off the light, IT IS PITCH BLACK. So scary. lol.

The usual safety drills~

&We're finally off!

Here's a quick mini view of the cruise~


Outdoor pool~

Free rock climbing anyone?

&Back on what's going on.

Some dance classes.
They have these very often!

Oops~ xD
Accidental shot. I swear.

Mother and her friends.
I wish I'll have a chance like this when I'm 50 too!

Went to the spa for some lucky draw.

This lucky bitch....... lol.

&I did my nails! heheh.

Dinner this time is at 6pm. 2 hours earlier than the previous trip.
But I guess it's better, there's better lighting for better pictures. lol.

My sisters' chocolate moose!

This is damn good.
The first time I ate it, I thought it was goddamn sweet.
But this time, I figured the correct way of eating it. lolol. Not that sweet anymore.

Supper on our first night!
Ayyyy, I wanted to have Ben & Jerry for like every night because it is so damn cheap!
Only 2.39USD per scoop! :O
But I didn't eat if after the first night. Tsk.

Dinner place!
Also our breakfast place...
There are two other places(freeeeee!) and two other restaurants(chargeable).
I didn't want to take pictures of our food initially so there's only dessert for our first night.
Then, my mother asked me to snap for her facebook. lol.
So here are pictures of what we ate! Or mostly, what I ate. kek.

Second night dinner!


&it's gone~


So two shots~
It looks a bit raw, but it isn't!
It's Medium Rare but when you slice through, there's no blood. Woot!

White wine for every night!
This is the pink white wine! :3

Not in love with this. :/

Third night's dinner!

Freaking good.

The other place on Deck 9!

They no longer have pizza and hotdogs. :(
More variety now though.

That's the end of our fooooood~
&Here's a shot of Aunty Teo and our head waiter. xD

Post-dinner~ Theater show!


Back room for some rest before Karaoke!

Didn't sing at all. Couldn't bring up my courage for all three nights.
End up just watching people sing. lol.

Next morning!

In the middle of nowhere!

This is damn nice right right right?

Mum and our unlimited soft drinks bottle!

And we didn't know we could just order them anywhere instead of bringing the bottle around. lol.
Or maybe we already knew but forgot about it..........

Their mojito is damn good!
Drank a lot for the past few days. lol. What cheap alcohol makes you~

Sleeping dad with the weirdest hand posture. lol

&He's awake!
ps: I asked my sister to call him up. xD

&The tiko dad face. hahahhahah.

Chill chill~

Some Indonesians having photo-shoot!
And I got nosy. lol.

They were dressed very exaggeratedly on the first day. Like as if doing cosplay.

Woooo~~~ xD

Penang in the afternoooooooon!


Happy mummy shopping!

&We were back in cruise after a few short short hours~
Like 2 hours?
Because dinner was at 6pm and we didn't wanna have dinner outside. tsk.

Formal night!

Assistant waiter!
Always photo-bombing. Seriously. lol.

Magic trick.
Realize I'm not liking how I was chosen as the helper. lol.
So awkward.

Supposedly E.T riding a bike. Does it?!

&Then shows again! ^^

Our Cruise director Dan Dan noodle. xD

70s disco night!

Karaoke night again!

Got back to the room to this! :3
The housekeeping person did it. hahahha.

Had room service for breakfast and slept in till late. woohoo.

ps: I've been using Weishan's birthday gift for me. heheheh.

Last night~ The usual parade!
There's Gangnam Style this time. lol.

Game show!

Our last theater show that night.
She's gorgeous man!

Check out the singer at the far left.
Had a conversation with them. STARSTRUCK!

4 days and 3 nights passed so fast. :'(
It's official, cruising is now my favourite type of vacation!! ^^
I like it so much that I'd thought about cruising to another country and then fly back from there!
(Like 5/7 days to Hong Kong, stay for a few days, and then back!)
Was even tempted to be a staff on-board ~ Like the entertainment crew or staffs in the spa! lol.
ps: 7 months straight on-board and then 2 months of vacation. Sounds good to me! xD But nah~ They have weekly menu that repeats. :O
Cruising is just so.......... so relaxing.
No rushing around.
No fuss over daily itineraries.
No need to worry about bagage weight.
No complains about unfriendly people/staffs.
It is pretty much stress free. Just relax and enjoy the breeze~
I love the small talks I have with their crew. hehehehe.
There are stops though. When I headed out to Penang, the first thing that came to mind was "How I wish I'm back onboard and not out."
Serious! Lol.
It's either because of the heat (38°C man youmadbro!?) or just me becoming lazy............................. or both.
Anyway, it was yet another wonderful time spent on Royal Caribbean's Legend of the Seas! Even though there were some similarities in terms of activities lineup, it was still very fun. Cruise director on our previous trip was better though. :X
Unlike my previous experience, I made full full use of my 4 days and 3 nights this time. Instead of sleeping my mornings away, I woke up as early as the rest.
In fact, I slept very little. Mainly because I had work to do though. Lol. Enjoy my days to the fullest and chiong my work until the wee wee hours. (Y)!
But then again, I slept in on Sunday! Room Service for breakfast and then out to the ship after 3pm. :O That day felt the shortest.
I have spent quite a bit this time too! Mostly on Wi-Fi. It is goddamn expensive. With package, it is at least 30¢ per minute.
The one I bought was $55 for 99 minutes. Every time a minute pass, I see myself throwing a 50¢ coin into the sea. Dumb thing is, I thought 99 minutes would be enough. I have never been so wrong. Lol. Could have bought more credits. Maybe the same costs and get longer time because the longer time you buy, the cheaper it is per minute.
Oh ya. All these costs in USD.
Kill me.
In total, my card swiped a whopping USD286. My card. I am so not looking forward to April. :(
Wi-Fi required to do my work okay........ The rest were on other stuffs mostly alcohol! So cheap! Cocktails and beer all below $10! Taxless when we're out in the middle of nowhere. ;3

Okay. I'm done. hehe.
