Today's the 15th day of the Lunar New Year...
It's Lantern Festival (first full moon of the new year) and some people would be celebrating this day with sweet rice balls!! &While many others enjoy this tradition, the 15th of the Lunar New Year has another meaning for my family. :)
My Lunar Birthday! ^^
So happen that it's merely 5 days away from my "actual" birthday.. Coolz. I wonder when will these calendars collide again!!
Anywayz, it was a simple yet really lovely Sunday.
Woke up after a night of essay writing for breakfast before we proceeded to my mothers' surprise for me! They insisted that I have blindfolds throughout the journey. :O I kept whining and trying my best to peep and guess. lol. Turns out, the family went to the Zoo!!! HEHEHE.
I was smiling from ear to ear when I finally take off the blindfold! Lol.
Kiddy hor. I'm 22 but still young at heart okay! ;)
Must be wondering why my mum chose the Zoo as my surprise, right?
She had this idea because I'd wanted to visit the Zoo together with the family.. Isn't it a nice family thing to do? Lol. Even though I've been there just two years ago............ I believe every experience differs with different people!
It was!
ps: Best Zoo trip was with my favourite people!
Though it wasn't really a full visit (we were there for less than 4 hours!!! very waste my mothers' money leh! but~), the short trip was still very fun! I think the last time we went as a family was........... at least 15 years back!
We're all so grown up/old now..... :( lol.
Anyhow! I'm glad I brought my camera with zoom lens ah. kekeke.

Here's us in shades of purple before leaving house! :3

Blindfolded me throughout the journey~

&Made me pose silly poses! LOL.

I bet the onlookers must be wondering why my family is so weird. LOL!

With the factory I was produced in. xD

Told my sis we must take with the parrots because we no longer can sit on Ponies. hahahhaha.

Just some animals I randomly took pictures of!
If you wanna see more of them, VISIT THE ZOO! ;)

We guessed this gorgeous White Tiger's name is "Omar".
He's quite cool. Pacing back and forth many many many times (really many times!). We presume is for us visitors to take a good look and take nice pictures of him. So kind. x3

Cute baby Hippo!!!

Somewhat the highlight of the trip!

The decorations was really.... Chinese-ish/China-ish!
They were in an air-conditioned place.
The exhibit was only allowed for 15 minutes viewing per batch.
Visitors are advised not to make noises.
We cannot take flash photography.
There was even soft music playing in the background.
It is also one of the biggest exhibit for the Pandas.
Lastly, it cost a separate $5 just to see them.............. sleep!
But my mother said it's because we are only given 10 years to exhibit them. And hopefully, these two pandas would mate and produce more pandas so we could finally own local breed pandas. Tsktsktsk.
When we were there, only Kai Kai was lazing around. Jia Jia was apparently still in her dent. How are they suppose to mate when one is outside and the other keeps staying inside?! My actual thoughts. Lol.

Red Panda! Cuter than the Panda. Pfft. Lol.
$0.50 worth of the $5 paid. xD

Didn't budge at all please!

I would sleep all day if I were him though.... So comfortable and serene (somewhat)!!!

Funny story.

$2 EACH at the Panda Exhibit and $3.60 for TWO outside. URG.

Restaurant next to Panda Exhibit.

#likeaboss. xD

Anyone wanna cross the road. xD

We like big butts and we cannot lie.... lol.

Quite cute but I have no idea what is it....

Love Love mama! :3

Must take with these since we couldn't both of then together in real life!

But we only took with Kai Kai AGAIN!
Wa... So unlucky. Right after our shot, they started to stand together and take pictures TOGETHER with other people. :(

Neh mind, this still cute. lol.
The next time I'm visiting the Zoo is prolly going to be after the River Safari is done or when I'm married with kids old enough to walk on their own. Lol.
So, this Zoo visit is somewhat a birthday gift from my mother. SO.LOVED. ♥
&Here's what my Dad and Sis got me. :3

Went for Marche dinner early this week and then for some shopping.
Sis got me my first luxury brand wallet!!!!!!!! ♥ SO.MUCH.LOVE!!!!

Note to my mother just in case she rips it when she's back from Thailand.

In the end, I couldn't resist and thought I start using it on my Lunar Birthday. xD


Very girly?????
But I'm into pink lately so I'm fine. xD

What my Dad got me!
Not something new, but YAY! hehehe.
