The Clique is turning 6 next weeeeeeek! :D
&To celebrate this very special day; we randomly got together for a poolside-BBQ 6 years ago and eventually became a clique over the years....................................................................We spent the day visiting the S.E.A Aquarium and having Thai Style Steamboat for dinner before walking around and just chilling in Clarke Quay.

Last year was the year that made me decide we should do something good this year though; It was our 5th but there was only Lance Weishan Yaping Jolene and I having lonely short dinner at NEX. lol.
Spending half a decade together and I didn't even have anything to blog! :(
(I think I did but I can't find it. tsk.)
I don't know if it's weird that I'm an enthusiast when it comes to such trivia events/things ut, if we don't create meaning for things, won't life be too dead and boring? Maybe it's weird, but I really enjoy celebrating days that are supposedly special....

S.E.A. Aquarium~~~
Yes, I was just there a month ago. But this time, I'm with my favourite people! ♥The place may be the same.
The things may be the same.
But I was with different people and definitely had different kind of fun! ^^
So, we were suppose to meet 1:30pm at Vivo City but I was late (my bad), and our schedule got delayed by a bit. >< Just a bit! Some of them were shopping so it wasn't entirely my fault a *coughcough*. I would say it's lucky that our schedule got delayed though! xD
According to my previous visit, I estimated at least 2 hours of Aquarium visiting. However, we ended our visit just a little less than 2 hours and even had spare time to quick shop before dinner! :O


Sorting out student cards so the NS Men could go as students too. :x

(reused image)

Haven't had such events where DSLRs are way way wayyyyy better than my camera for a very long time!! It feels great not being the photographer once in a while. :3
Oh ya! Not many sea creature pictures this time! I only snapped a few that I didn't manage too see (wth?!) during my last visit.
Oh ya! Not many sea creature pictures this time! I only snapped a few that I didn't manage too see (wth?!) during my last visit.

LETS GO!!!!!
But before that, toilet visit!

I'm actually tip-toeing a bit! :O
That's 1 and a 1/2 head difference! Zz
But Lance look like a proud little kid. hahahha.

(reused image)
&We proceeded to the pre-aquariu museum(?)
Oh ya! Though it was a Saturday, I presume most local families are busy doing Chinese New Year preparations that the crowd was at least 50% lesser than my previous visit. :O Very much easier and faster to move around and view the fishes!


Happy Jolene is happy!!! ^^

These people...............

Wanted to go for this but gave up the idea after understanding the entire thing.
Sad. lol.

Lance acting like a

Got so much space to move around; I bet we can even play "catching"!

This was my last visit. TELL ME SEE WHAT! lol.

Saw a black fish but it swan so fast. :( So here's Weishan as a replica. xD
Later, we realize the cute black first is called "Whitecheek Tang".
What an irony. lol.

Weishan and Jolene touching the starfish!
According to Weishan's description, a starfish feels soft and hard.... ?!?!? lol.

When you see it............................................. You'll laugh. xD

A bit retarded hor....................
If I'm not wrong, this was my last attempt and I kept my camera. lol.

Due to the lighting, Soohou suggested us to tilt our head up so we'll avoid casting shadows on our faces....
Girls doing a bad example~~~

Lance doing the best example.

Okay, sea creatures appearing in this entry are those I didn't manage to see last time. Wth right?
Here's a black seahorse! I was wondering why there wasn't seahorse during my last visit.
Must have missed it!

Lanc looking creatures. lol.
Quite gross. The creatures, not Lance. lol

This creature just chilling~

&Jolene wanna eat it! Lol.

Okay, I know I've seen this my last visit but hey! I love these! :3


Look at my lousy blurry one. :(

I can watch these creatures swim all day!
We also got a chance to understand a bit about some fishes.
So sad, some small fishes got eaten by the two bullies in the tank. :(

Damn nice~ Minus the lady beside tsk.



Love this shot.

Silly Yanling who's sensitive to flash and pretty much closed her eyes in most flashed shots. lol.

There's some GIFs this time too.
The number of shots Soohou took is............ too damn high!

Lobster sashimi anyone?

Who says Unicorns don't exist????

I think it's called Naso.

So fast, shark area liao!

Damn cool hor!


Lance and his mouth must maintain!


Favourite. hehe.
Check out the man at the corner, Facebook keeps probing me to tag him.

Lance looking happy. ^^

We also realize, we should always approach people with DSLRs hanging over their heads.
Better skill. xD

Ugliest shark I tell you! lol.

There was this guy who was apparently not very interested to help us take a picture. WTH. He took 30 continuous shots man! Explains why my hand is in midair here. GIF at the end of the entry. But I guess, thanks to him, I was able to create the GIF. lol.


Traffic Police?! lol.

Saw Karen here!!!! So excited when I saw her. Miss her a lot man. hehehehe. Hopefully, we can meet up soon. :3
So, after our Aquarium visit, we walked to board the shuttle bus baaaaack to Vivo City. Some of them went shopping while the rest of us bough drinks and chilled a bit at MacDonalds~
So, after our Aquarium visit, we walked to board the shuttle bus baaaaack to Vivo City. Some of them went shopping while the rest of us bough drinks and chilled a bit at MacDonalds~

Thai Style Steamboat Dinner

Typical Instagrammers!

Loving the pork belly! :3
Dinner was very good!!
Even though it may seem simple, it tasted really nice~ From the meat, to the soup! Some of the girls drank at least a bowl of soup! :O Yanling drank the most. LOL. I remember only taking two spoonful though, because I think the flavour of the soup comes from the oil that drips down from our meat. >< &Yes, I'm right!
And for the price we paid, it was really damn worth it........... In fact, it was so cheap that we were shocked!
(Because we expected at least $20+ Or maybe we ordered too little lol)
For the sets (one tray = one set) they cost $43 individually. And because we didn't think the sets were enough for 8 hungry souls, we ordered additionally meat! $14 worth of meat! Each of us also ordered drinks. Lance had two cokes!
With all that food ordered, our bill totaled up to $131.50 which means each of us only had to pay $16.50! Cheap or what! Lol.
I was later told that the other table (Weishan Gary Jolene Soohou) were hiding the meat and spamming for themselves lo!!! Assholes. LOL Never mind, forgiven and love y'all the same :3
Even though it may seem simple, it tasted really nice~ From the meat, to the soup! Some of the girls drank at least a bowl of soup! :O Yanling drank the most. LOL. I remember only taking two spoonful though, because I think the flavour of the soup comes from the oil that drips down from our meat. >< &Yes, I'm right!
And for the price we paid, it was really damn worth it........... In fact, it was so cheap that we were shocked!
(Because we expected at least $20+ Or maybe we ordered too little lol)
For the sets (one tray = one set) they cost $43 individually. And because we didn't think the sets were enough for 8 hungry souls, we ordered additionally meat! $14 worth of meat! Each of us also ordered drinks. Lance had two cokes!
With all that food ordered, our bill totaled up to $131.50 which means each of us only had to pay $16.50! Cheap or what! Lol.
I was later told that the other table (Weishan Gary Jolene Soohou) were hiding the meat and spamming for themselves lo!!! Assholes. LOL Never mind, forgiven and love y'all the same :3

After dinner! Walked to som Haato & Co. or Ice Cream!

A few nice tunnel shots before we got yelled at for being too noisy. :( lol.

Walking to another tunnel! xD

All these and most of the tunnel shots are all self-timed.
We do these kindda often and I'm happy we do because we'll create more memories!!!! HEHEHE.
Also why I love them so much! Crazy together. Embarrassed together! ♥


You know how some people say it is love when you can just sit around doing absolutely nothing with someone and still feel happy?
Well, I can sit with these people and do absolutely nothing and still feel happy. ^^
(Of course, we don't do that often la)