Met up with Shamyn and found our way to Zouk! On the way, I fell on the road while talking to Shamyn and had to party with a bleeding knee. >< It is a very minor abrasion though; I was just paranoid the people around me would rub the wound and make it worse. :O
Anywayz, we spent our Thursday night in Zouk for Haniza's performance! It was some Music Fest by UOL and I'd enjoyed myself despite my poor knee. Loved Haniza's performance and felt really really proud (I have no idea why ah!) Anyho, I'm glad she won the popularity award and I'm happy she invited me to the event. hehz.
It was a simple night because I didn't get to club (TSK. SO NEAR YET SO FAR!). 08:30am class next day and I was very knee-conscious. lol. I was very paranoid because it was still very raw and I want it to be as mild as possible so it'll heal fast! The dancefloor was pretty empty after the event though. :/
Okay la, enough about my knee. lol. Pictures!


Yes, yes, we in toilet! The only place with proper lights!

This girl too cute! Halfway through some performance, she randomly told me she's craving for some KFC popcorn chicken and mashpotato. hahahhaha. But becaus scumbag KFC doesn't have ANY outlet (other than the one in the Airport which was goddamn far) that operates 24 hours, she couldn't satisfy that craving. Lol. In the end, we tried the popular (she say!) Zouk mashpotato and sausage. SURPRISINGLY DAMN GOOD!!!! And we said we must go back not to club but for that. hahahhaha.

Cressa was there too!
Cheap cabfare when shared. xD


Shamyn bestfriend-ing with Cressa already. lol.

The Last Minute's award!

Purple hair is purple!
Turning white sooooooooon. Should it be blue or purple next? xD

Favorite shots!

&For being more keyed up about my knee and taking care of me. hehe.

Shots Shamyn always make me take. lol.