Though 3/4 of our classes starts at 8:30am, which means we have to leave for school by 6:40am, I came to realize that these morning lessons are giving me more time in the day to do stuffs and all!! Just last week, I spent my days after school meeting up with friends, going for facial and visiting the aquarium! Every day seems really long but I actually feel satisfied with how I spend the day! Feels like I could do a lot a lot of stuffs! And yes, I've completed a lot on my daily "To-Do" list! :D
Morning classes also forces me to wake up early. lol. But, I have one issue. One. And that is the need to sleep early. :/ No matter how tired and sleepy I know I'll get during class, I never fail to only sleep past 12. :( Something I need to adjust soonest possible! Speaking of which, it's past 12 and I need to sleep soon! Trying to adjust my sleep time by half hour earlier everyday woohoo!
&Before I go, here's how I've spent my Monday~ HEHEHE. It was with my DPA♥s. Haven't met Clara for like 6 years and I'm glad there's no awkwardness when we were all together. Miss Christina though. :)

A very belated Simin's birthday meetup!
Someone's 22, going 23 soon. kek. xD