After slightly less than 15 months,
WOOOOOOHOOOO~~~ *throwsconfettianddancesaround*
ps: They were happier too! kek.
Though uncustomized like the previous year, it's glitter lightsticks this year!

Yes, temporary tattoo for the night!! Woo~
Two days after the concert, it's still on my arm. lol.


Rather far but still nearer than SWCI~


Actually snapped 350+++ pictures & 7videos this time!
ps: Still trying to upload 4 other videos #flipstable
Very surprising because I did it damn discretely and painstakingly thought I took just a few; didn't realize I took so many!

Honestly cannot remember the order of the songs. ><
It was just a really great night!

Before Jonghyun sinks down.


Different from last year, they introduced theirselves quite early into the concert. Like after the first hour?
There were more talking this year too! ♥
Jjong so freaking cute! &Chilli crab again. lol

Super cute part!
Was actually looking forward to this. xD

Dancer poking Key~

Onew & Dancer boxing. lol.

Minho's solo! Too engrossed so only one shot!

"I Won't Give Up" and then some funy Korean song.

Even with his eyes closed, 有被电到!!!!!!!!!
But look like Song Joongki lol. Cannot stop saying that.
I think I really like guys with short hair. :/ For girls too actually. lol.

He sang "I Won't Give Up" beautifully!!! Sadly not the full song~

Was waving damn hard!

Taeminnie with his live band!!!!

But I realize only "Shut the beeeeeeep* up" was live. lol.

Key Key Key with "Hair" & "Judas"

Woohoo Hotbod Jjong!

"Internet War" if I'm not wrong.
There's only one part of the song that I like though. Lol. ><

The ending~ BAM!

Just a random insert of how some pictures got blocked!
Had to sneakily take pictures in a low level. ==;

Jonghyun's body wa~veeeeeeeeeee~

There was a really funny picture after this. lmao.
Nope, not gonna share. :D

Dancing on waterrrrrrrrrrrr!

Amazing Grace! ♥

&There was a shot with just their bodies. lol.

"Hey Ya (Y Si Fuera Ella)"


Honestly, I cannot exactly remember what happened after this..... :/ But I believe after his solo performance, there was this uber uber uber cute VCR!!!! "Yellow Ribbon" SIGH. I'm damn regretful for not filming the video but forget it................... At least my eyes were glued to the video and I'd enjoyed it to the max.
It's cute how Onew the angel was fed-up with Key's constant appearance on TV and how Jonghyun and Taemin was dancing really cheesily! Jonghyun had fake mustache too! hahahha. And Taemin dressed up as a girl killed it. Killed me. &Killed everyone. LMAO.
It's cute how Onew the angel was fed-up with Key's constant appearance on TV and how Jonghyun and Taemin was dancing really cheesily! Jonghyun had fake mustache too! hahahha. And Taemin dressed up as a girl killed it. Killed me. &Killed everyone. LMAO.
I cannot stop mentioning how upset I am (Yes, still bitter about it!) because I wasn't smart enough to film the VCR. T^T I'd already watched it man. I should have filmed it down and watch it again in future. But nooooooooo, had to be retarded and now can only watch other people's fancams that are not English subbed. :(

Kay, back.

Onew ready to throw some shawol cash!!!

If only they were real cash. llol.

Minho was super jumpy and smilely!
Everyone in the crowd would do the same!!!! heh.


They sobbed quite a bit when they did this song in Korea.
Felt teary when they played that video clip and sang "The Name I Loved". Weird right?!

Key kept turning back to watch the clip like he has never seen it before.

Yes, the first "ending"~
Back after a change of clothes!

Super cute "Stand By Me"
Jonghyun reading some book, everyone gathered to take a look and he made a URG sound halfway through singing. hahahah.
Someone elses fancam.

Happy Birthday Hat!

Only one who kept waving!

Cute JongHo moment!!!
Duper cute Key's "To infinity & beyondddd!!!" Cute.

Jonghyun was trolling while thanking fans for this advanced surprise because his birthday is in April. loll. So cute.

Here's a screenshot of their groupshot from my video. lol.

&Here's when Jonghyun tried to smash the cake on Minho & Onew!
He looked like some naughty puppy jumping and chasing Minho around!
Key was almost no where to be seen. HAHA.
&love love Onew's "Super Duper Mega Thankyou!!!!!!"
Some fancams I found online!!!

Key: "Looks like it's part of your face" lol.

Love love love the concert tonight!!!!!!!!! :D They were so quirky and funny and cute! I like! hehehehehehehe. ♥ Their playful sides made the concert so funny and enjoyable! Love love loveeeeeeeeeeed their first concert and love love loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee their second one too!!! ^^ Actually, I was more starstruck and awed the first time, this time it was pure enjoyment (and still a little starstruck)!!!!
I went to browse through that previous entry, I was definitely more starstruck and crazy. lol.
And compared to the previous concert, they were more lightened up, happy and high!! I guess they focussed more on performing back then? Or maybe because they were just tired. lol.
Eyyyyy~ Honestly, the two concerts were really different. I remember mentioning SHINee singing many many songs live in the first concert. (They also sang my favourite ballad that time!) This time, there were only....... 60%~70% songs that were live. Still good! Not because I'm biased but because their dance was done harder and there were more.... ad libs(?) in their lives! Okay, maybe just a little biased. Just a little! ;)
They sang live mostly at the end though. Many more ad libs too. &This time, there were many VCRs!! SIGH! Mega upset that I didn't film "The Yellow Ribbon" VCR they did! Can't exactly find a good one online; and my spot with my camera is like THE BEST COMBINATION. URG!!!!
Speaking of my camera, I am really really loving this digital camera! Best concert companion E-V-E-R!!!! :D
Oh oh oh!! There was also a lot more talking and interaction this time, with a much better translator!!! She translated almost everything even their conversations. hahaha. I remember last year it was a lot of songs one after another and only one or two interactions. This time there was at least four! :3 Makes the concert more memorable because the interactions are all different for each countries!
Overall, it was a fantastic night!!!! ♥
With that said! I'd made it a point to include many many fancams here today; so I can relive the moments again in future. hiakhiak! ♥ Too starstruck and tired the first time that I didn't add much leh! Emoz.
The night before, I wasn't exactly excited and was feeling neutral. I even thought I won't be as high as the first one.... I was wrong! Though I didn't scream as much as I did the first time, I was still goddamn happy and excited throughout the concert!!!!!! And I guess I didn't scream much this time because I used up my screaming quota. Consecutive three weekends of concert and K-Box before SHINee's~~~ Made me less screamy. Still high though! :D
I'm glad SHINee World II is the last concert I'm attending this year~ In fact, it's probably the last concert for a very long time!! Decided to not attend those small small concerts anymore~ And SHINee or 2NE1 is probably not going to be back with another solo concert again next year fingerscrossed! So yeah, probably the last one for a while..
Speaking of last concert, IT IS SO COINCIDENTAL THAT 2NE1 AND SHINee's CONCERT IN SINGAPORE IS THEIR LAST IN THEIR TOUR!!!!!!! Obviously because it's December but hey! It's only the start of December! &They aren't continuing this tour next year!!! So, it's super coincidental and I feel damn honored can???? Lol.

MWAH!!! Some of my favourite shots of the night!


Love his lives like always!


Onew's sexy butt. ;)

The part where Jonghyun went "URG!" :D

Three shots of this! Jonghyun poking Key~



Like princes~ ♥,♥

Doing the thumbs up to us! ^^

Lol. Such a bad picture. /: Memories that matters though! :)

Here's our before concert!
Anyways~ So yeah, later met up with them and went ahead for some K-Box! Didn't wanna sing much because I didn't wanna hurt my throat; Thus, I didn't really select any songs. In the end, I sang along for almost every song. LMAO!! But I guess this singing opened up my vocal because my screaming was better. lol! I didn't go out of tune when screaming. woot! &I realize my range has increased a little! I could sing some songs easier than last time! :O
Thereafter, we went off for a really quick quick dinner before speedwalking to the concert hall. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ heh.

Pasting their tattoo!

Making sure it's done!

So braveeeeeeee! Lol.

Because I'd already read up about this fan-pack a while ago, I wasn't surprised to see this!
Still, I was super excited and happy. hahaha. Like as if my mother bought me Kids Meal from McDonalds ah. ><

YELLOW RIBBON for the yellow ribbon VCR that I didn't record. T^T

^^ Priscilla and Stephanie!
Sad Xiuqing didn't join this time! :(

The Jolene(S)!

Now, I miss her sister, Joyce!!!!! Haven't met her for years! T^T


Okay, ending my entry soon.
Last few shots of my favourite SHINee. kekeke.