
Chocolate Banana from Awfully Chocolate
Really good cake. Even the guys liked it! If I'm not wrong, only half a piece was left.
Xiaoxuan 好介绍!

Speaking of SHINee's concert. I'm actually DYING to update on it. But because I was able to sneakily and successfully video some scenes, I'm trying to upload the videos so I can embed them along with the many many pictures!!!!!!!! I wanna remember every single detail as long as I can! :3
Okay, back on Jiaxuan's birthday....
I missed the BBQ session but was still able to pull off a surprise for her! I'm not sure if she was surprised that I came with a cake or it was just too predictable though. :/ By the time we reached, they were BBQ-ing the last few items and slowly packed to go back to Edmond's place. lol. So yeah~ The rest of the time was spent at Edmond's place where we ate the DELICIOUS cake and chilled a little - playing a game and teasing Adrain a lot! Four of the guys started playing mahjong and the rest of us eventually went home when Yanling (or she likes to be known Kesslyn. pfft.) had to go back.

Prepaing for the surprise!
Okay la. Not really a surprise. I just hurriedly collect the cake after my concert and brought it to Edmond's house to take pictures, put up candles and bring in to the place Jiaxuan was at. But still an effort okay!!!!

Here's her trying to clap off the candles because she can't blow off belated ones~


Individual shot with Lijian who she misses a lot!

My third present for her!!!!
Instax, Instax everywhere~~~

The cake's pretty light. Very thin cream and just really nice!


Sad. Just realize this one and only shot is blurred. :(

Here's my revenge to Bingcheng for teasing my ex-long-term absence!
