
Christmas with my favourite people will never ever go wrong!
This year, it's again filled with good food, nice presents and hell lotsa laughters! ^^
I'm really glad the world didn't end on the 21st, as rumored. lol.
Because this year, there were even special appearances from............:
This year, it's again filled with good food, nice presents and hell lotsa laughters! ^^
I'm really glad the world didn't end on the 21st, as rumored. lol.
Because this year, there were even special appearances from............:


Only the start of the entry and you can already guess how much fun we had!
Oh oh! We also have Hulk, Shehulk and Ironwomen!! heheheh.
I feel super duper mega happy with last night's celebration! Not only did we have fun, we also took plenty of pictures! Halfway through 2012, we realize we have stop taking as many pictures as we used to. :( Just last night, we took a total of 280++ pictures!!! WOOOHOOOO! I hope they'll be more to come. For now, I CANNOT WAIT FOR COUNTDOWN TO 2013!!!

&Here goes my entry!

Here's us waiting for bus 72 to meet up with Weishan so we can hitch Jolene's ride to Lance's place!
Oh ya, speaking of which. This year, our celebration is again held at Lance's plac (it is probably going to be our frequent celebration/hangout place! hehz.) t is the third time this year to have Christmas at Lance's place but this time it's different! He has moved to a new place AND IT'S SUPER DUPER MEGA NICE!!!!!!! :D Lucky he hasn't moved too far away from our neighborhood!

Finishing up our props for phototaking!
I realize we didn't use them much though. lol.

Someone looking like a joker here. lol.

Chiulee writing our names on paper cups because the new place has no cups yet!

Girls busy preparing while the guys sit around to nua, Tsk.

The host of the celebration.
Also the one who came up with the clique's new theme "Don't Be An Asshole"
He turn out to be an asshole anywayz. Lol.
As the organizer of this years' celebration, he came up with a Red/White top and Green bottoms (Any 3 colors for dresses) dresscode. The theme he thought of suggest that we don't be an asshole and follow his ideas for the party. In the end, he wore teal.... How is teal green?! It looks more blue than green to me. hurrrrrrrrrr.

I think Jo look super funny with her mustache on a somewhat pokerface. lol.

Chiulee was having fever but still came. :')

Arranging the props for a picture!

Loving our clique's banner!
We were saying we have to laminate it and use it in our wedding next time. HAHAHA.
Everyone was complaining about being hungry after a while. Finalized our props, shift them away and there comes the fooooood!!!!!

Simple dinner this time but it's the get-together that matters!

Just nice, Cindy arrived when we were done or almost done setting the table! :D

Ivy' cui cupcakes for us!
So sad for these beautiful &delicious Christmas Special cupcakes.

Ivy trying to save her cupcakes~

It's okay Ivy, we still enjoyed the cupcakes! :D

Looking funny with almost all the accessories on her head. Lol.
&Here's our individual shots &our outfits! ^^

Asshole #1.

Big time Asshole.

Asshole #2.

Jolene looking cute here ah! Like some small kid. Lol.

&Here's Han. lol.

&OUr friend, 100 Plus. Lol.
She didn't share drinks and only drank that because of her fever.
Does it help with fever?? Forgot to ask her last night.

If you can't see it, it spells "Ga
I wonder who they are referring to.... :/

Taken when Cindy was unaware. lol.

Spot the glutton of the clique. hehehe.

Here's them trying really hard to shar The Unicor joke....
We were filming it too! &They took many many takes just for that........ 1 minute joke?!
Funny though. hahah.
Let's make more videos! ♥

After dinner, it was time for a tour around the house!

Lance rolling on his bed. Lol.

hehehehe. Them amused by his sofa. LOL!
Sounds funny saying that but his sofa is able to shift/move till the person is in a laying down position. &Yes, they were amused and curious about it. Cute.

Wanted to bring up the gifts to Lance's entertainment room for exchange but since the aircondition was just switched on, we chilled a little while more downstairs before moving up!
While the rest finish watching :The Avengers" the four of us.....................


What a perfect outfit to match the halo.

Trying to show "wow" & "lol" vibe~~

Told Weishan to quickly join in so they'll have more pictures for each others' birthday cards in future. hahahhaha.


&Then, we were upstairs for gift exchange!
ps: Spot Gary's sock. He said he wanted to match his outfit with his cute socks and that's why he didn't wear green bottoms. ==' VAINPOT!

Everyone had a good laugh when he appeared in the room like this. hahahha.



&Then, picture with Santa!!!!

Please, someone, please tell me how is this a funny picture with only Samuel and I looking funny?!

Self-proclaimed. lol.
&Then, somehow, Weishan gave Cindy more ideas on how to give Skinny Santa a makeover!

First, he look a bit like Mozart(?)

&Then, more things are added. LOL!!!!

Everyone was entertained and laughing damn hard. HAHHAHA.

Spot the Christmas Tree behind. LMAO.

His pokerface made the picture look even funnier!
&Then, he quit. lol.

Skinny Santa giving out door gifts! ♥

Gift Exchange timeeeeee!

Guess whic kid did he pick?
Yeah, yeah, very obvious. ==;

No feel like I received a present. :(((
Then, m kid was absent. So, we passed on to Jolene!

BOXERS!!!! Ahahahahhaa.

Telling his not so funny joke.
It was really not funny. Lol.

Yaping was super excited when she saw the "Craftholics" plastic bag and whispered that she's excited to know who got it and that she has a chance of getting it. HAHAHAH. So cute... She's probably a bit disappointed ah. xD

Lucky her ah... Three people gave her Paul Frank items this year!

Present for kids. HAHAHHAHAHA.

Skinny Hulk!!!!!

This hulk acts like a monkey. lol.

Sa kid ith no Santa. Awwwww~


Trying to do a group hug. hehe. We look so happy. ^^

This looks like Ironman said a wrong/obscene joke. lol.

Ironwoman & Shehulkkkkkkkk.

This bimbo. Guessed that she would do a face behind the mask when we obviously can't see her expression.
True enough, she made faces for every shot taken. HAHAHA. Bimbo,

Back to 14Y.O??? lol.

The Marilyn Monroe coming right up!

Trying sexy looks. TOO CUTE!

Lol. Guess which pose she was trying to imitate.

毛毛 and I.
Miss him lots man. Half a year since I last saw him!

Check out her enlarged mole!

Host of the event preparing to chase us all out of his house. lol.

But before we were chased out, DESSERT!!!!
And the night ended pretty early. When we left Lance place, it was only... 2330+++??? Lance had afterplans to Boiler(bojiooooooo) while some left early for their own afterplans. SOBS! In the end, it was just the four of us, Weishan Jolene Yaping and I. Lucky we brought our gifts for each other and extended the celebration to Hougang 1 MacDonald's to exchange our gifts! ^^
Before we go on to that~~~~~~
Before we go on to that~~~~~~

I was trying to confirm the number of times we'd celebrated Christmas together. Funny when I found out, it's actually our 6th year this 2012; Our clique is turning 5 only next year!!!! Then, I realize, this is the 5th year we're exchanging gifts! Because the first time we celebrated Christmas, it was just a simple chalet BBQ............
&HEHE. Must include all our celebrations because 5th year is half a decade! :D
Go on and reminisce! We looked so young (still do!). :O LOL.

Our first celebration but there was no gift exchange!
Just a simple chalet with our siblings!
Thereafter, we started taking Christmas more seriously;
Exchanging gifts and having more fun! :)

We'd also prepared dinner together for the first time!
Also the first (&last) time we had Turkey. Lol.
Speaking of turkey.....
This is a must insert!
Joke. Lol.

The only year ALL 13 of us were present. :')
It is super duper mega nice to have everyone attend the celebration ah! ♥

Lance place again! He has always been an awesome host. :D

First year celebrating Christmas outside.
Is it because Lance was busy? lol.
Soon enough, we'll be celebrating with our kids too! HEHE.


Christmas tree at an obscene position. lolol.

I find this picture cute!

Lighting so nice!


Quickly take pictures while PP is outside. xD

Lucky or what? Took pictures with two Santas this year. lol.

From yesterday!



Next up, gift exchange with girlfriends!!!! :3

As mentioned, the four of us extended the celebration and headed down to Hougang 1 for our gift exchange!

From this point onwards, there was this MacDonald staff that was pretty...... annoying(?) irritating(?) disturbing(?) that we felt quite uncomfortable. She came over to our table, talked to us (I cannot remember a single thing she sad!) and touched our gifts. She even interrupted our camwhoring and gave me a balloon rose as a prop. In the end, I even took a Instax with her. &Weishan said my smile was really awkward. lol.

Jolene's gifts for us!

Yaping's gifts for us!

Weishan's gifts for us!

&Mine for them!




She didn't get to take many shots with her gifts ah. lol.

Don't they look alike? hahahah.


&the missing picture of Jo's gift. :/





Just when I was in the midst of opening my presents, this auntie came over and ask for a picture.
She say her son wanna take a picture with her because she very pretty.
Yaping probably flew to heaven and became an angel with that praise! haha.
ps: You now have a fan!
ps: You now have a fan!
His mother wanted to take picture together but the MacDonald staff said it was bad to take pictures with odd numbers/3 people Superstitious. Thinking about it now, we should have helped to take pictures instead of letting that staff to. :/


I'm loving all the gifts I got this year! HEHEHE. ♥ So much love.