I'm depressingly (lol) back from my 5-day Hongkong trip with the family!!!!!!! We were back in the midnight yesterday though~ Didn't have time and energy to blog till now. :) It was a pretty fantastic 5 days together with dad mum and sis. ^^
Happy to go back to Hongkong for vacation again this year! It has only been a year and 7 months since my Hongkong Graduation trip last year actually! lol.
I'm depressingly (lol) back from my 5-day Hongkong trip with the family!!!!!!! We were back in the midnight yesterday though~ Didn't have time and energy to blog till now. :) It was a pretty fantastic 5 days together with dad mum and sis. ^^
Happy to go back to Hongkong for vacation again this year! It has only been a year and 7 months since my Hongkong Graduation trip last year actually! lol.
Traveling with friends and with the family is a pretty huge difference to me~
With friends, we travel budget, stay in lower star hotels, tire ourselves daily (totally worth it!), shop anywhere, explore many places, go around by public transport and dine in the normal eateries! But, we get to experience life living like a Hongkong citizen, maximize the time overseas and create more laughter and jokes together!
With the family, I get to save up on traveling and accommodation (I'm glad my parents go for non-budget and 4-star hotels!), we go around mainly by taxi, shop in departmental stores, eat in restaurants and practically spend the days leisurely with many rest stops! But of course, it's still a great vacation because it's less stressful and tiring. lol. Most importantly, I usually just pack my luggage to go but can leave the packing to come back and the unpacking to my sister. HEHEHE.
My parents keep assuming that I prefer traveling with my friends because it's undoubtedly more fun~ Truth is, I would enjoy traveling to the fullest with my friends OR family! I actually don't have a preference as long as I get to be out for a vacation! :D But, I definitely cannot overseas with both my family and friends. It'll be a disaster!
Oh oh! When traveling with friends, we create more memories because we take almost a million pictures together! Lol. The last time I went, each camera had nearly a thousand photos from the 5-day trip! There were 5 cameras!!!!! Which means, nearly 5 thousand photos by the end of the vacation. This time? I only took................. less than 300 pictures! Also because we didn't do much sight seeing though~
:O Didn't know I typed so much~ Okay..... pictures!
With friends, we travel budget, stay in lower star hotels, tire ourselves daily (totally worth it!), shop anywhere, explore many places, go around by public transport and dine in the normal eateries! But, we get to experience life living like a Hongkong citizen, maximize the time overseas and create more laughter and jokes together!
With the family, I get to save up on traveling and accommodation (I'm glad my parents go for non-budget and 4-star hotels!), we go around mainly by taxi, shop in departmental stores, eat in restaurants and practically spend the days leisurely with many rest stops! But of course, it's still a great vacation because it's less stressful and tiring. lol. Most importantly, I usually just pack my luggage to go but can leave the packing to come back and the unpacking to my sister. HEHEHE.
My parents keep assuming that I prefer traveling with my friends because it's undoubtedly more fun~ Truth is, I would enjoy traveling to the fullest with my friends OR family! I actually don't have a preference as long as I get to be out for a vacation! :D But, I definitely cannot overseas with both my family and friends. It'll be a disaster!
Oh oh! When traveling with friends, we create more memories because we take almost a million pictures together! Lol. The last time I went, each camera had nearly a thousand photos from the 5-day trip! There were 5 cameras!!!!! Which means, nearly 5 thousand photos by the end of the vacation. This time? I only took................. less than 300 pictures! Also because we didn't do much sight seeing though~
:O Didn't know I typed so much~ Okay..... pictures!

Flight was a 7am, we got up at 4am and was at the airport by 6am!
Sleepy to the max! But excited!

Coincidentally, Minghong was going to Taiwan on the same day, at the same time!
Bumped into him inside too!
We both had our own fun! :D

Decent airplane fooooood!
Obviously didn't finish it because we already had breakfast before that~~~

Sister and I had Burger King for breakfast!
After having tried breakfast from MacDonald, KFC and Burger King... I still love what MacDonald does!
Especially their eggs!

Arrived with happy face! :)

Coaching to hotel!

It's situated pretty............. far from 女人街 (Ladies Market) but it's near this Miramall that has decent shopping!

Waiting to check-in!

Didn't expect much of the room as Hongkong hotels are usually small room-ed.
&I guess this is only slightly bigger than the room previously.
(Longer pathway to room. lol.)


After shopping at Miramall....

I look quite cuiz uh! Zz

MISS THE 鱼蛋 MAN!!!!!
I actually miss quite a number of food from there initially!
The 菠萝包, various Dim Sum, some streeeetfood, 豆浆油条, 奶茶 and EGGTART!!!!!!!!! Didn't get to satisfy all this time though~ Parents not that into normal eateries because the smell makes dad sick. T^T
I was initially quite upset with all their do-not-want and the need to rest often............... Next day onwards, I just follow-suit and found myself enjoying the trip in another way! At least I was able to end the night without having to crawl around the room! lol.
The 菠萝包, various Dim Sum, some streeeetfood, 豆浆油条, 奶茶 and EGGTART!!!!!!!!! Didn't get to satisfy all this time though~ Parents not that into normal eateries because the smell makes dad sick. T^T
I was initially quite upset with all their do-not-want and the need to rest often............... Next day onwards, I just follow-suit and found myself enjoying the trip in another way! At least I was able to end the night without having to crawl around the room! lol.

I've actually bought more stuffs for myself this time~
Maybe departmental shopping suits me more... lol.

Hehehe. Couple dust cap!
Lasted less than a day though. :(
ps: My sister lost her phone the next day. ==


Up and ready!
Again, I was the earliest to wake up and even have to morning call my parents!
*Proud* I'm known to be the sleepyhead of the family!

Hotel breakfast!

You're gonna see quite a number of pictures taken here~
It's a soft-toy shop right opposite our hotel! Loveeeee loveeeee all the soft-toys there! The material and textual of the soft-toys are FREAKING SOFT AND TOUCH-ADDICTIVE!!!!!!! Seriously................. We have visited the shop more than 4 times in 5 days! &As a person who's not that into soft-toys, I unknowingly persuaded myself to get a sheep... Lol.

Duck duck hand puppet~



I was honestly having a mega tough time trying to figure out if I should purchase it! It is so freaking nice to touch and hug that I kept touching it!!!! Gave up the idea buying at the end because it's too big. :( If only they come in smaller size! Sigh. ps: Also why I got sheep instead!

Act cute much!

Later, we cabbed to this China Harbour/Ferry Terminal and collected our Ferry tickets to Macau!


Like going to Bintan from Singapore~


Constantly checking Sugar out~~
It was a comfortable hour

"Engaged" a private tour guide from the many tour guides outside the terminal~

Leaving and going around Macau!

They say this is Western 观音菩萨 (Guanyin Bodhisattva).
Unsure if it's true~ Looks similar though.

Just random architecture because I like how they look. Lol.

Macau Tower!

My mum is scared of the lift going so high. LOL!!!!
To think she laughs at us for having cockroach phobia!

It's nice!

Check out the pathway on the left side!
They have squares that are transparent!

Quite scary! Lol.

I sat down and my sister panicked. So cute.

Not looking down feels like it's just a normal ground~
But when I look down, I didn't really dare to just stand up like usually. lol.
My mum didn't dare to walk on it!

The outside!!!!!

There are like... Skywalk X and Bungy Jumps done there!


So crazy!
Walking around the tower 61 level above ground!
Freezing cold...

Later, I saw this bank called...... bar cho mee~

lmao. Okay, I trolled.....
I just got bored on the bus. xD

At this eatery that serves fantastic duck!


Streets of Macau~

There are so many nice architectures!
So.... fusion-ish~

This is when we were heading back to the van after sister realize she lost her phone~ sigh.

Actually headed back to Macau tower to try our luck~ But, there is a possibility that she left it in the bakery shop we stopped by. Didn't try it there.... :( What a wet blanket to the trip! We were affected for a while only though.... lol. Coming from someone who loses things quite frequently, we got over it pretty quickly. I just have to make sure my parents do not pay for her new phone! >:(

Sister crying. lol.



My mother likes the bridges there~


I am a bit crazy. Just a bit......

Very nice place.


Honestly do not know what we were doing.
Just press only...... lol.
I still don't understand casino though~~ What's so fun about casinos? I see many aunties sitting there looking bored while pressing a button.... :/ But I saw this lady with a thick stack of money! :O

Batman machine!
Really like some arcade kids go to!

The toilet is nice.. lol.
Spot me!

The wallpaper so nice!


Parents didn't gamble too....
Afterwhich, we headed back for dinner and rest!

Back to the shop again. heheheh.

When I finally made up my mind to not buy it........................................

Bought food for ourselves, random soft-toys and accessories!

This day, my sister decide to give these as gifts to her friends~

Lame here trying to outcast my sheepsheep!

But later, next day to be precise, she decide to keep ALL FOUR for herself. ==;

Yes, I brought sheepsheep along!

Second stop!
First was some temple~

2011 and 2012!

Checking up on Sugar again~

Different view this time!
We didn't go all the way up~ :(





At least got to try these!
Not very nice though. lol.



One round around first though~

Water so clear!

Mum ask me to take a picture of they live!


Cute parents!

Food was pretty..... meh. Probably because they are targeted at tourist~ Who serves two bowls of noodles and a bowl of rice for a meal?! Each has a service of the food some more! Siewmai was pretty sub-standard.................... Restaurants that are lined up for tourist usually serve food that are not the best to represent the country! WHY!

Shopping at Stanley(?) market!

Headed back to rest before going out to the ladies market!
They sell very similar things without much changes since last year! lol.
Finished the entire market in an hour and half!

Pretty much just nonsense things. Love the luggage tag though.

hehehhe. LOVE THESE!


There was a freaking long queue at for the cable car, we opted to bus down instead! Along the way, there were protesters doing their thing... Being random and bored, I took shots for fun. lol.

Here I go again!

Spot mama!

Emo after climbing up~ lol.


Icecream to cool down!


Last year! lol.

Still as good!!!!!!



When heading back, it was a nerve wrecking experience for my sister.
But she pulled through without crying!!!! *clap clap*

There's this man who shared the cabin with us and made things quite awkward... There were 8 of us with 4 other strangers, two men together(not literally) and two other non-related ladies. One of the ladies were almost constantly on the phone since the start of the ride to the end...
When we were like... 3 minutes to the end point, one of the men suddenly commented on how disrespectful, rude and shameful the lady was for talking on the phone for so long... He yakked about it for the whole 3 minutes and continued insulting (pretty much) her when we've alighted! A bit crazy!!!
It created a really stiff and awkward atmosphere because my sister was using my phone to check up on Sugar when he started complaining and we were pretty loud initially. :/ We were quite noisy and all during the start of the ride but soon settled down... We had on and off conversations though.
No idea what's his problem when the lady actually spoke pretty softly and wasn't exactly disturbing anyone... If he was annoyed, he should have been annoyed by us for being happy together. lol.
But maybe, I guess, he's just frustrated with people who cannot live without their phones? Not his business to meddle in though.
After visiting the buddha, we headed back to hotel to rest a bit before cabbing down to Langham Place to shop! It's near the shop that sells best 老婆饼 as recommended by many~ Dinner-ed at The Spaghetti House though. WHY IS THERE NO FRANCHISES IN SINGAPORE!!! The food were good!

Departing was so depressing!! Imagine having so much fun for 4 days and *poof* you have to fly back to reality~~ Which for me is to study for the exam that's NEXT FREAKING WEEK~!!!!!!! I wasn't exactly feeling depressed though.. Lol. Just thought it's logical to say that it's depressing because I'm weird and silly. LMAO.
Not many pictures taken this day because I was make-up-less and with my face condition, I definitely did not take any pictures! The dry air made my complexion horrible and my lips to hurt from being too dry!!!!!!!
Had one of the best meal on this last day though! Slept in late, did final packing and cabbed down to iSquare for lunch and to buy something~ Interestingly, most of their restaurants are located 20F up!
Not many pictures taken this day because I was make-up-less and with my face condition, I definitely did not take any pictures! The dry air made my complexion horrible and my lips to hurt from being too dry!!!!!!!
Had one of the best meal on this last day though! Slept in late, did final packing and cabbed down to iSquare for lunch and to buy something~ Interestingly, most of their restaurants are located 20F up!

Salted Egg bun!
Tried it in Sweechoon before... Didn't like it but I like the ones here!!!!!!

One piece of scallop per siewmai!!! WTH!!!!
We ordered...... 12!!!!!!!

Bidding farewell when we got back~
Waited for our coach to drive us to airport!

We went into the immigration with just TWO BAGS!!
Our flight was at..... 7pm~ Reached Singapore in the midnight, cabbed home, sister unpacked and we all dropped dead at around 3am. x.x
OH OH!! The plane back was pretty cool! Bigger space and all~ There is even this "Camera Outside" where you'll get to watch what's outside while flying!!! Too bad our flight was at night~ We could only see stars! And oh oh! My sister said this man infront of us was watching porno during the flight!!! :O I couldn't catch a view though. lol.
OH OH!! The plane back was pretty cool! Bigger space and all~ There is even this "Camera Outside" where you'll get to watch what's outside while flying!!! Too bad our flight was at night~ We could only see stars! And oh oh! My sister said this man infront of us was watching porno during the flight!!! :O I couldn't catch a view though. lol.

Some photos we bought!
So, that pretty much summed up our third (there was KL&Cruise!) family vacation this year! :D Can't wait for our KL trip and Cruise again next year! HEHEHE. No idea why there's suddenly so many traveling with the family! :O hehz.

:) As usual, some favourite shots!

Introducing,,, my MEHMEH!