HIHIHI!!! :)
Taking a short mini break from schoolwork to do an quick update! :3 Weishan will definitely go "No! Finish your work before you blog, play SIMS3 or watch any drama!!!!" lol. I've actually banned myself from SIMS3 or "Big" until the weekends when I'm done with all my work. ==;
During one lecture while my lecturer was blabbering and I was staring at my notes trying to absorb everything he was saying........ my thoughts started to wander when he said "...... We don't know what we want but we know what we don't want..." So mega true!
Now that I'm back to school, I realize I have no idea what I want to do in life all over again! Lol. It's like~~~~ I have a really general goal but I'm still clueless with what specific things I want to do to achieve that goal. :/
So anyway!!!!
Life has been awesomeeeeeee apart from school!
It's been three weeks since school started and I've met with all my local lecturers. :) School so far has been pretty awesome(except for the workload of course!). &The lecturers we have this Semester is fantastic!! Funny, engaging and so far so good! I'm unsure if it's because school is way more cooler or I just prefer schooling to working. lol.
Work is for the uncool yo! :p
Work is for the uncool yo! :p
During one lecture while my lecturer was blabbering and I was staring at my notes trying to absorb everything he was saying........ my thoughts started to wander when he said "...... We don't know what we want but we know what we don't want..." So mega true!
Now that I'm back to school, I realize I have no idea what I want to do in life all over again! Lol. It's like~~~~ I have a really general goal but I'm still clueless with what specific things I want to do to achieve that goal. :/
So anyway!!!!
Life has been awesomeeeeeee apart from school!

Brunch @ Privé with Karen on Thursday!
It's a really nice place! And the hot but good weather made everything look pretty! :)

I wondered why this place look so familiar to me when I've never been here.
Then I realize, it has cameo-ed in 2PM's "Hands Up" Music Video. lol.

Introducing~~~ Karen!!!!

It was a pretty quick brunch though. Because this lady here was tired from sleeping only 3 hours~ :(
Could have took a few more shots when we were there. THE WEATHER WILL GIVE PERFECT LIGHTING!!!

(Y)! I now know what I want to drink when I visit TWG the next time!
French Earl Grey!
Speaking of which, I suddenly recall something I miss about working!
There's only one thing I miss about working, apart from the great colleagues I've worked with, and that is .............. .................... ................... ................... the freedom of spending! :( It's probably gonna take a while till the next time I visit TWG. T^T Unless someone is sweet enough to bring me there for a treat!!!! Hehehehe.

Eggs Benedict!
I haven't ordered this in any brunch places but I've tried a few that my friends order.
This is by far the best Eggs Benedict I've had! Really!

Loveeeee the egg!
The mushroom, bacon and sausage is really tasty too!
Oh ya, I really like the bread and butter! Especially the butter. lol.

Some overdued pictures!
Our first, last and only exhibition together. :)

Karen's like the second Shamyn I know! We were introduced by someone at work and rode the same bus home this fine evening.. Throughout the journey from our office to her stop, she pretty much blabbered non-stop about her stuff. LOL! Not that it's bad, but it kindda kick start our friendship! Just like how Shamyn and I got closer. :3
Also found two shots taken on my last day at work with pretty Vion!!!

Have only been to two or three exhibitions with Vion but she surprisingly shared a lot of stuffs with me!
So touched. :')

&THIS IS MY OTHER FAVORITE PERFUME!!!!! I have 3 favorites!!
Is it a new trend to get perfume as gifts? Lol. This is like the 5th or 6th perfume I've received THIS YEAR!!!

Thanks for the treat and the perfume!
I can now smell like you! :p

&Just yesterday, I met up with Yugine for Genki Sushi ...

I'm not a waffle person but I kept seeing people Instagram waffles so I started to crave for some. lol.

zoom zoom!

Her not-so-excited-but-excited face! lol.



We were random and we know it.
Cheat our feelings though! We wanted to do Fun Photo instead of this. >,>



Huanqing, a.k.a Yugine the drama queen!
The one who influenced me into liking Motorola and now Rum&Raisin icecream. loll.
