Oh. I also wanted to take out this purple safe-box, I know I have, so I could start feeding it with two-dollar notes as a form of saving for my upcoming overseas trip! Calculated for Weishan that doing it everyday for a year could help us save up to at least $400~$600! Probably can cover up air-ticket prices so I thought I should start trying to do that~ :3
Halfway through, I got another sudden urge to take a few snap shots of what I found! So I rearranged everything and took pictures while I brought out the things again. Lol.
They are items filled with nothing but wonderful memories.
Maybe it's just me but, I really only remember the good times.
Some people may go "Sigh. What happened along the way?" or start becoming emotional for the things and people that are no longer the same.
As for me, I found myself all smiles while doing it;
I was actually really thankful and very happy for the things that has happened to me.
I was really thankful and very happy for the people who has been in my life. Was there. Has been there.
I wasn't upset that things changed but rather happy for things that has once happened in my life. :)

Boxes of our memories. My sisters'(left) and mine(right).
I couldn't find my autograph books though. :/

I have 13~ :)
The most memorable thing I can remember with relation to these was this one incident.
During my kindergarten times, these sticker collections were kindda hot. I would pester my mother to get new stickers so I could spend the entire afternoon pasting them on my sticker books! At times, I would bring a few to school and show off to my classmates. LOL. Kids back then.
There was this once where I got new Sailormoon (Yes, sailormoon) stickers that were really nice andSHINee shining! Brought it to school and showed my friends. But later, (I can't recall exactly) I realize they were gone. My classmates took them. Sigh. It was a really really sad day for me. REALLY.
Cried and whined to my maid.
My favorite maid, Auntie Eddit, then told me she would go to school and scold them and all.
Funny thing was.... When I went back to school and saw my friends, I was no longer angry. :/
During my kindergarten times, these sticker collections were kindda hot. I would pester my mother to get new stickers so I could spend the entire afternoon pasting them on my sticker books! At times, I would bring a few to school and show off to my classmates. LOL. Kids back then.
There was this once where I got new Sailormoon (Yes, sailormoon) stickers that were really nice and
Cried and whined to my maid.
My favorite maid, Auntie Eddit, then told me she would go to school and scold them and all.
Funny thing was.... When I went back to school and saw my friends, I was no longer angry. :/

BOX OF CARDS!!! Handmade or ready-made.
The heart-felt messages were the important parts. :)

Found these and realize I'm really old.
Not old kindda old. But.. no longer young.

My report books are now very yellow-ish. :(

I remember being emotional and sad about something for quite a while. Then one day, this sweet little friend of mine sent me an SMS and asked me to go to my door. I found this red plastic bag hanging on my door-handle with this cute book inside. :)

The handwriting might give-way. lol.
My assignment was to miss that person. Awww. :')


I lied. These are just letters~
I used to have pen-pals! Joyce and Ruyi. :) It was really exciting to wait for letters and open them up when they finally arrive. Reading them and trying to recall what I've written in my letters and then write back on pretty papers!
We could call. But letters were more romantic. ;)
We could call. But letters were more romantic. ;)

My red tie!
Haven't untied it since I last wore it.

Other than the great memories of being a prefect back then. I now keep recalling how Lance pester and tease me to thank him for being able to be the Deputy Head because he was one of those who nominated me to be part of the executive committee! Tsk tsk. Forever. I'm glad he stopped already though. hahaha.

Found the purple box. :)
I was hoping I haven't lost the keys!

&I DIDN'T! :3

So many things insideeeee.


Saga seeds from after clearing the purple box of gift! :3
I was wondering what I should do with them... To throw them or to keep them so I could use them and give it to my future boyfriend...............
&OBVIOUSLY, how could I do that?! 想都不敢想!! hahahaha.
It was when I was done opening up everything that I realize....
All these items did not bring back detailed memories of what happened at that time. I only remembered roughly what happened. The main thing of all these items, were the feelings that I remember having back then. I re-felt them all over again.
&OBVIOUSLY, how could I do that?! 想都不敢想!! hahahaha.
It was when I was done opening up everything that I realize....
All these items did not bring back detailed memories of what happened at that time. I only remembered roughly what happened. The main thing of all these items, were the feelings that I remember having back then. I re-felt them all over again.
It is true that
one will not remember what you said or what you did but will remember how you made them feel.