Celebrated Guan's 21st last night!! ^^
It was a crazy party because.............
1. The party supposedly starts at 6:30pm. But at 6:20pm, Guan and I were in the cab less than mid-way to the party's location (which is Emily's place).
2. Then, it drizzled a little. Thinking that it might rain, many of us helped out to carry the tables and food from the rooftop to the function room. In the end, it didn't rain.
3. Lastly, the night ended off with Guan puking (as usual) and us ending the night early because of the noise we excitedly created. lol.

Though slightly messy and crazy, it was still a really enjoyable party!! I was even a little bit envious when I saw almost everyone crowding around to help Guan out! She should be very touched! xD
Starting her adulthood crazily is gonna mean her life's gonna be really fun, right? :)
It's been a while since I edited over 200 photos! Did it this morning while waiting for my hair to dry and I can't stop smiling while looking at the pictures! Can't believe I took that many and actually edited all in just one night!!! I also really like how the pictures turn out to be! The lighting was perfect! :3 *proud* kekeke.
Okay. Chop chop.

Here's the backview of Guan rushing around.
We're already at Emily's place and she wasn't dressed nor made-up! :O

Still happy! :D

&after making up and putting on her pretty dress................................

TA-DAH!!!! :3
I usually do "Favorite Shots" at the end of the entry, but I really like most of the photos this time, so here's one highlight!

The cake, the roses and of course Guan!!!!
tsk. Why my birthday no nice settings and roses and nice cake!!!!!! :( hmpf. Mad jealous!

The tables were initially really nicely decorated too!
So romantic!

How nice it would have been if the party was at the rooftop!

Cam-whored a bit. xD

& Finally getting down to doll herself up!
I like these effects. Makes Guan look really barbie-ish! Thanks to her new hair color!

Oh, Hi Cheng! ;)
So pretty last night too!

I like how Guan's hair look here and of course *erhum* how Emily and I look beside her. xD

Emily.. Afraid of balloons but wanna claim all the balloons as hers! Tsktsk. lol.

Drizzling and trying to figure what to do!

Shift shift shift!

Okay, hope you're not reading this while having an empty stomach!
Few food shots. :3


The food look normal but they were really good!!
If I'm not wrong, there weren't much food left after the party.

Before~~~ Empty Function Room.


So cosy and close now. :)

Assigning tables!

&While people help around, we stood there just staring into space and take pictures.
LOL. Of course NOT.

Guan's pretty sis!
Made her guestbook and the cornflakes!

Guan and her mama! :)

Queue-ing up to fill our hungry tumtum.

:( She accidentally touched the hot pot!


Happily filling our tumtum!

&Oh, if you've noticed....
Yes, there were only three of us from the class of 21~

Me writing the guestbook!
My handwriting was horrible. Hai.

Another shot because I like how my hair look. LOL.

Emily was super excited and was really curious about it!

Happy Guan. :3

Xu Ai!!!!!
I gave her the name Amelia!!! Unsure if she's still using it though.

This girl and her obsession with balloons last night!

&Here's only shot of people I do not know. LOL.
Guan requested it!
Should I make the GIF slower? :/

SO HAPPY!!!!!!
&Emily closed her eyes to spoil the picture. TSK. :p

Wei Ming came!!!!!!

My face look so weird here. >;(

See what I meant by her obsession with balloons last night?!
Wei Ming posed already!

Emily really happily and excitedly opening up Guan's birthday cake.
I think she was much more excited than the birthday girl!

Look at her big smile!
Like some small kid.
&She's the oldest. Cheh~ :p

Because I really like the cake (flavour and design) here's

&21 roses!!!!


So cute.

So romantic!

Mad love! ♥

After group shots!
Sing birthday song!

To her sis.. Lol.

Happy Cheng is happy while sinigng!

Spot the mess she made while cutting!


So cute right!

Lim Guan's only 1 now!

Me, and my younger sister Emily. Lol.

&Then, Darius and Gary finally came~~~~
for a short while...

Clearing up!

@The rooftop and Nicholas Eugene joined us!
This picture so ugly!

Why do we all look so darn weird?!
The colorrrrrrrr. >:(


Until she puked!
Okay, that's all. Loll.
Of course, not gonna end so abruptly with a picture of Guan puking! lol.



Abrupt end with MY picture. ;)
So cute. LMAO!!!