Just a random entry with pictures of me and Lina because ugly bestfriend asked why we don't take pictures as frequent as Shamyn and I.
Here you go babz! ;)

She's a bimbo because she does really funny things!
Especially when she's nervous anxious and all~ She told me once about how she went to
pull the door instead of pushing it because she wanted to hurry up and open the door for our General Manager who was just behind her.
And she likes to say "
Do you get what I'm trying to say?" and "
It's okay, it's okay". Hahaha. Great jokes. :) I find it exceptionally funny when I purpose lie to her or exaggerate a matter just to see her eyes go hugeeee (damn big already. wth) and her stunned expressions. HAHAHAH.

Alrighty, signing off with that picture as I head back to more work! Woohoooooooo~