Jasmine Shamyn and I planned to wear pink today because.... we're random and we know it~ *says it in the "I'm Sexy and I know it" song way* Coincidentally, quite a number of our colleagues wore pink too! Like for real~ There was at least one in each department!
&why be in a theme if you're not gonna cam-whore?!
So, we did~ xD

Okay fine, mine ain't exactly pink.
Got the wrong image when Jasmine describe the 'pink' top I have because I couldn't recall if I have~

Shamyn and my work station!


Us with our 'love token'

Here's me trying to summarize our story how the fax machine brought us together~~
So, Shamyn and I notice each other in the office but because we were both new, we didn't really dare to approach each other... Took at least 2-3 weeks before we first spoke to each other, thanks to this fax machine. Shamyn's in the Accounts department and I'm in the Marketing department. Occasionally, Shamyn has to drop by my place to fax some invoices to her clients because, there's only 2 fax machine in our office...
Every time she comes by our workstation, we would just smile and acknowledge our presence and yadah yadah.... But this day, my colleague wasn't at his desk and Shamyn finally broke the ice asking me something~ She has to lianse with this colleague to take the original invoice so when he wasn't there, she asked me for it and all......... Happened twice before I asked her a question in attempt to get her name. LOL!
Just like any guy, I was interested to know her name because she's so pretty!☺
I asked what her number was because I couldn't figure from our contact list. Then I was told she's actually a temporary staff. And the next thing we know, we were talking about ANYTHING!! Our first 5-7minutes was Shamyn sharing with me her current situation. Like; why she was working there, where she's studying, which route is she going next and... quite a number of stuffs! Was initially shock because she told me A LOT. hahaha.
Proves that our comfort level sparked instantly! She told me she knew I was of her age of at least a age plus and minus from hers~ So rare! Because people always guess I'm 25.
Sigh. I know right~
And then, we just became closer and closer.☺
So, Shamyn and I notice each other in the office but because we were both new, we didn't really dare to approach each other... Took at least 2-3 weeks before we first spoke to each other, thanks to this fax machine. Shamyn's in the Accounts department and I'm in the Marketing department. Occasionally, Shamyn has to drop by my place to fax some invoices to her clients because, there's only 2 fax machine in our office...
Every time she comes by our workstation, we would just smile and acknowledge our presence and yadah yadah.... But this day, my colleague wasn't at his desk and Shamyn finally broke the ice asking me something~ She has to lianse with this colleague to take the original invoice so when he wasn't there, she asked me for it and all......... Happened twice before I asked her a question in attempt to get her name. LOL!
Just like any guy, I was interested to know her name because she's so pretty!☺
I asked what her number was because I couldn't figure from our contact list. Then I was told she's actually a temporary staff. And the next thing we know, we were talking about ANYTHING!! Our first 5-7minutes was Shamyn sharing with me her current situation. Like; why she was working there, where she's studying, which route is she going next and... quite a number of stuffs! Was initially shock because she told me A LOT. hahaha.
Proves that our comfort level sparked instantly! She told me she knew I was of her age of at least a age plus and minus from hers~ So rare! Because people always guess I'm 25.
Sigh. I know right~
And then, we just became closer and closer.☺

My favourite Jasmine and my pretty BFF in the office! :D

Trying to act cute. hahahha.

Random us and Jasmine right-legless. xD
A pity her heel wasn't shot in full. It's really cute! Heart-shaped heel!

Favorite shot from the GIF!

Favorite shot from the GIF! :D
&then, I started doing my sad face. xD

Which, they decide to mimic................

Which part of their expression looks sad instead of cute?!!

We had lo hei in the office today~ And that's our redpacket lucky number! :D
Apparently, I got the lowest value. $8~
My first lo hei this dragon year though. And I didn't get to taste any salmon!
So craving for some right now. ><

A random shot.
Check out my ever-growing photo gallery! Hahaha.