SIYI's 22ND!!
A simple dinner over at Timbre @The Arts House. Nice ambiance, great food and an awesome companion for the night. ^^ But then, we were all pretty tired from the long day so please pardon the cuiness. And also because I was plain dumb, I brought out a camera with no memory card, a dying battery and an empty spare battery. LOL. So not many ah! >< Still, great fun. :p

>< Just realise I actually uploaded all the pictures!!! >:( Waste space..

Got really puzzled with my powerful flash.

And then I realise it is because,,,
2D1N Soju Bang bang bang!!!
BEST KOREAN BBQ FOOD EVER!!!!! Seriously! Even if we had left the restaurant smelling extremely stinky, it was all freaking worth it!!!! LOL. Cheap some more. xD The beef,, ZOMGGGGG.Not a fan of beef but seriously I loveeeeee the steak!!! <3

To Pasir Ris park for a while.. :)

Because the pool we initially planned to go was closed. ><

Fan of rice but I end up being more occupied with the steak. LOLL

Ugly bestfriend treated us dinner, hehehe. <3

Even the Kimchi's awesome!

Oh ya, Weishan joined us at the end of the meal.

Wanna go back there again omg!!!! xD

"That's my allowance too!"


Like a baby!
I can't remember how to spell her name correctly though... :/

Can never believe she is just 7 months old if you actually see her. :O

Lunch with Emily! <3

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