Chop Chop Chop, Mix Mix Mix

Nithya's DIY and my "Say Cheese"
Would recommend to ask for suggestions or just go with those on the menu. Sometimes DIY turns out weird. :/ But still nice, since it's Ice-Cream! xD

Met up with Nithya last night for a longgg overdued Birthday Ice-Cream treat after work yesterday. ^^ Gelare wasn't opened, so we went for Cold Rock instead. Serves awesome Ice-Cream as usual. Kekeke. Caught up with each other, walked around and homeee!
&yes, we didn't have dinner. Lol. Just snacked. ^^

Favourite shot of the night.
Though we looked at the wrong direction. LMAO.


And then, I was home to see this little monster on my bed! Lol. She obviously didn't jumped up to my bed. My sis put her there and she was sleeping so soundly! I even got a shot of her hugging my neck rest. :O &I merely placed it on her because I couldn't find a blankie and she was sleeping in our cold room. :D

Slept the whole afternoon the day I was on MC.
Lazy dogggg. Sleep so much in the noon and gets too active at the night. ==;

Model pose, yes? LOL.

Gives the vibe of her riding on a bike or something.
But no, I just messed up her hair. xD

I told my sister this:
"If dogs had
hehehe. My sister gave me a "Whatever" look as usual. :(

&to end this Sugar section, here's a random shot of my cactee as I brought her out for a walk because it was scorching hot outside. ==;
I bet I looked retarded as I held it while walking back home. PffT!

Selca with cactee camoe-ing!
Obvious that I'm in love with this new application I downloaded?
Love the pictures!!!!!

Yes, FINALLY!!!!! ^^

Gave this separate pack to my boss. :)))

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