For laggards out there, I've a pet in the house now! A puppy! ^^
Was in total shock and disbelief when my sister carried her home. Thought everyone was trying to fool me the day I was told my mother actually allowed a puppy to be bought.
Turns out, it's a blessing in disguise! :D
Family much closer now. Sister no longer as temperamental (Still is, but much better!).
Am still not so much of a carer for animals, I only play with them. :p

Always rolling herself into a ball. Uber cute! :D

Sleeeeeps like a human. HAHHA.


BATH TIME!!!!! ^^

*Don't worry, water doesn't get into her ear*

Becomes damnnnn small. hurhur.


Prepared this hearty breakfast last Sunday.. LOL..

Some day this month. Such a gorgeous sunset.
Rare sight in my place!
Okay, I'm tired. Last few pictures. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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