Some changes are good. (:
Okay, here's the entry about my nice nice shopping time with another clique from class... ^^
I am so screwed because I really should be doing something more productive (like start on my two reports that totals up to a requirement of 2000 words, read up some lecture I
Alright alright, enough of me crapping...
A simple summary - School has been average as usual. Went shopping with Lim Guan, Siyi, Fei Fei, Siew Cheng and Ying Ling two days back. Initial plan was to go ION and Bugis/Far East but we were too lazy and tired from school. So, ION-ed and slacked in Coffee Bean before heading off for dinner at TANGS's Pepper Lunch. xD
Nothing really interesting about ladies shopping so I shall spare you the details and start showing you pictures~~~
Lunch-ed in school and overshot the time to go for lecture. LOL. End up giving the boring lecture a miss and finally persuaded Lim Guan to go shopping with us! ^^

Dolling Siew Cheng up! :D

While we took pictures! ^^
So rare of Fei Fei and Siew Cheng to wanna take pictures. HAHA. So, HAVE TO TAKE A LOT! Lol.
Pretty right? :D
Si Yi, Jasmine and Fei Fei.
After deciding to skip lecture, Guan wanted to withdraw money and Ying Ling headed in to Cheers to get some things...
Before we could take this picture...
Lim Guan came to disturb! LOL.
Shopped and I spotted a big bag I REALLY REALLY LIKE! Lol. But dang it la. 88$ siol. Madness! Didn't get it in the end; shall go hunt for it in Thailand and if I really can't find it there, I'll get it. NOT! Too expensive luh. Crazy...
I still can't find that freaking top I love. Having second thoughts actually. :S LOL! Suddenly don't have the crave and urge to get it when I was searching for it on Thursday... Sigh...
Shopped. Shopped. Shopped.
Got so tired and sleepy with our sore legs, we went to Coffee Bean to slack. LOL! We spent about... 1 hour or 2 there just chilling, taking pictures and just talking about random stuffs. HAHA! Love to have girl chats.
Shared some Banana Chocolate cake with Siew Cheng! :d
This side taking pictures~~~
The other end was taking pictures too...

Still always tell me they don't take pictures. Tsk. I shall not believe this anymore the next time they tell me. Haha.
Enjoying my cake! :D
Only Lim Guan
The big buyer that day! LOL.

Her new hat.
Another one who claims that she doesn't like to take pictures. LIAR! Lol.
Spot Si Yi and I in her glasses. Hehehe.

MORE of Ying Ling~~~
Guess why she's bored! Lol.

It was our turn to play with her buys! Hahahha.
Avoiding paparazzi~~ Shhs!!
Si Yi's damn cute. She doesn't know how to pout! HAHAH.
Cute cute!
;) After telling her to remember how her mouth is like when she's kissing. HAHA!
Checking out pictures~~~
;) I made her hair messy. =x As always, I just love to disturb her. haha!
Can't remember what the hell we were doing.
:D Jasmine and Siew Cheng.
The couple of the day! Same top, if you haven't realise. :D
And yes, Siew Cheng is really much taller than Si Yi. Haha.
Guess who. x.x No fun, too obvious
LOL! Missing two front tooth.
10 shots!
They didn't know that initially that's why I was laughing. LOL!
Si Yi left to met her boyfriend while the 5 of us continued to chat before Ying Ling wanted to ladies and left the three other girls doing.... ?

I don't know what they were doing when we were at the toilet. LOL!
But, we took really long. =x Ying Ling luh, got so attracted by bebe we end up shopping again. HAHA! But it was alright because the lemon was taken away from our legs. =x After which, discussed where to have dinner before parting with Lim Guan. We first headed to Etude house to get somethings. I finally got my brush! Lol. Then, to TANGS for dinner.
After dinner still hungry?! Lol.
Trying to get into their picture. HAHA!
Ugly shot #1.
Ugly shot #2.
Think I totally own her in looking ugly. LOL! To those who wanna tease me, ya la ya la; don't even have to do anything to look ugly because I already am. LOL! Tsk.
:D Oh oh oh! We were taking pictures while waiting for Ying Ling to get something?
I don't know where she went, but she wasn't there. LOL.
Then they wanna keep me out of their pictures. :(

Fei Fei and my turn! HAHA.
It was quite embarrassing taking all these shots because we were in the middle of nowhere right infront of some bakery store. LOL!

Victim number.... ??? lost count. LOL!

For picture taking only. ;)

Before we left! :D
Didn't exactly wanna do an entry about yesterday but i found a long paragraph (or 2-3) that I typed on the day itself...
Started off with a gross morning; spotted a roach a road away from home the first thing. Then, I got up a packed bus that gradually became freaking packed. Zzz to add on to that, some idiot decides to spoil and gross me out by sticking her front assets on my back! Even when I shot her glares twice or moved away from her, she still tagged along. Damn freaking freaking annoying!!!
Then I realize Singapore is pretty filled with impatient... Idiots!
Can't they just give people time to move when they are alighting?! It's not as if they would block your way out when the bus stops. -.-
Totally spoilt my Thursday morning.
And yes, as most of you have seen; had hair cut and treatment yesterday. ^^
Can't say I'm loving it as of now but I don't hate it either. LOL. Need to get use to it. Hehe...
Wanted a change because I'm really pretty sick with that long fringe. =x

Following next two pictures are just screen shots I took while webcaming with Gary and Weishan.
Apparently, you can't see Weishan BECAUSE SHE WAS TOO LAZY TO GET HER WEBCAM! Lol.

When I see Gabriel... ^^

And when I see Gary. =.=
Favourite because you can't see my blemished face! Lol.
Nice right right right right?
Just say yes!
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