1. a person or thing that represents another or others.
According to dictionary.com~~
The last time I checked, that didn't include any other responsibilities. :/
Time is the best test to prove how strong a relationship is. And the best test to see who and what one really is. You'll never know - the ones you trust might turn their backs anytime and the ones who you weren't in good terms with might smack some logical sense into you/standby you.
(With my fail English, I think my phrasing is weird. But never mind luh!)
Life sometimes like to play around with your head. :S
Mean what you say. Never say things for the sake of saying them.
Things just slap right back to your face when you say this but do another. Tsktsk.
Aigoo.. So many random thoughts lately. I just wish I could divert all these random notions to motivations that'll get some productive work done. LOL!
Okay, serious blogging now. :D
Weishan(: OMG
JASMINE. maybe dumber?

Saying another person dumb has never been this cute. LOL!
Anyway, I was playing RDD's MV in the background; when my mother came to my room. She was suppose to chat with someone uh... But I had difficulties downloading something. Zzz
Mother Me
"What is this song?"
"Ring Ding Dong. It keeps repeating that part leh~"
Then she starts dancing. =.=
"Siao ah."
"Nice what~"
"Don't understand still like it?"
"The beat is nice."
Still dancing~~~
"Send me this song, I wana play for my Dinner&Dance."
"You must be crazy. Those uncles and aunties won't like this la."
"You really want ah? I got the song."
"No la, siao."
Then, I switched windows to the Music Video.
"See this guy, Gary says he looks like him."
"This one? You sure? Tell him, next life la."
LOL!!!! Next life, Gary, next life...
MY MOTHER HAS GREAT TASTE!!! She also likes Lady Gaga's songs. ;) Hahaha. And, perfect judgments! Haha. Love my mother many many!! (K)
School's been great.
Stress has been greater as well. :S
There's so many things that needs to be done; but I'm totally not feeling the urge to do them. LAZY!!!
Sigh. Lost the vibe to blog! :S
Shall be back for more tomorrow! Teehee!
PS: Thank you Vweisan for being there the first thing. HAHA! :D Love you muchie muchie. ;) LET'S GO CYCLING!!!
PSPS: Thanks uh Ory. That emotion outburst was necessary. And thanks for what you've said. Thanks. Definitely felt better. Haha. HWAITING for your proj too! :D
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