Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Busy Week...

Good day everyone! :D

It's been a pretty packed week for me since the last time I blogged. ;) Had fun performing for Chingay(Pre-parade), studying(Lol), celebrating CNY, doing visits to friend's houses and all.
Before I go on ranting about my week...,
Here are some random picture's I've found in my phone...


Guan guan & I...

Before 2009~~~ LOL!



Do you really think we're so diligent to be working on our school work?! Lol.
We were either...
a) Blogging
b) Just random surfing or,
c) Really doing some work. :D

The just-woke-up Stephanie...

Fake oneeeeeeeeeeeeee! Lol. To be fair; I think Gary's really doing some work...

Above pictures taken by Sheryl~~

Testing out Gary's new phone...

Classic Picture of Gary laughing ... LOL!

...&&& Some pictures we took over at Jason's place to celebrate his 21st Birthday~ :D

Us allll~

&Some really candid snapshots Yikloong took...

See what I mean? Lol.

The forever ready for a photo to be taken Yanling.


Alright, Yanling and I volunteered to help our Secondary School's Chinese Orchestra & for the past few weeks; we have been practicing for Chingay's Pre-parade concert(Which is over)!! It's really nice to be back to school; practicing with people we're familiar with.

Yikloong, Yanling and I.

&again some snapshots taken...


Didn't attend school- =x
Rehearsed once in Hall before we bring our instruments to concourse for loading to trucks. Had dinner and got our performance shirt.

Aftermath, changed and took the bus to the location for rehearsal. :D


Still in school...


ChuJun, Joyce, Yanling and I.

Walking to the spot for our performance. ;)

We were almost expected to perform while standing. -.- Reason being, there were no chairs provided.
At the end of the day, we wasted nearly an hour just to settle this matter and the performance were sort of... cut. Sad thing.

While waiting...

Still waiting... Lol.

Waited again...

and tada...
Preparing to perform!

The Ruans for the night~

Good friends during Lower Secondary School Days. :D
Peggy, Yanling, Me and Yufang.

It was a freaking long day! Lol.

Carried instruments from point A to B, then back to A and to B before we start our performance and when we're done; repeat the whole carrying of instruments again. Lol. For someone who hadn't been doing these for a long time; it was pretty tedious. Lol.

While waiting for our bus which took like... forever?!

More joined in ~~

While Yanling was bickering with a senior. HOHOHO! Lol.
You can seldom see a photo I upload without her okay! :D

ohohoh! Just remembered something~ Siyi (classmate) saw me!!! Lol.
Okay, random.

Nice right? Lol.
:D I have no idea why but I really like this picture.


So the next day, as posted- went to give Darius a Birthday surprise.

Cabbed home with Nicholas and spent the rest of the afternoon at home. Relatives came over; and I had a good time playing Mahjong. (I think I'm addicted to it!! Lol.) I AM addicted. :(
Aftermath, waited for the right time before having my dad send me over to school . :D

Did the usual; loaded instruments, settled down and OFF WE GO!

On our way...

Reached and was done preparing way before the time of our performance. So... We started to take pictures! :D

Weizhen, Me and My stupid sister. Lol.

I just realise my sister HAS SIMILAR GUMS! Lol.
(But mine are definitely nicer! =x)

Really like the background...

Plans were slightly changed so, we got the chairs arranged before getting seated for the performance.


To cover her forehead! Lol...

Look at the teachers behind! Lol...

Sighh.. Oh what short legs we have. :D

The place audience were seated...

Seats getting filled.

Performance was better on the actual day. :D


Coincidentally had the same necklace on that day.

My juniors and one crazy aunty. =x

See how Yanling bully Yikloong!

That's the way to block someone crazy. ;x hahahha!

LOL! Yanling laughed too hard that she was stuck in between the seats. Lol.

After the performance, settled things and got back to Music Studio, took a few pictures before Yanling and I cabbed back to my place. ^^

Everyone resting after the first round of carrying the instruments up to the forth floor. :D

Favourite picture for the day. :D

Had tuition in the morning and prepared to leave for Stephanie's place. BUT! Waited for Daohong and Gary. So, I had time playing a few rounds of Mahjong with my sister's friend. :D

FYI: Sister had a few friends over to bainian. :D
When Daohong called, I went to change before heading down to meet him. HE SEND US OVER BY DRIVING!! woooooooo~

Spent the time watching tv at Stephanie's place. :D
I REALLY LIKE HER PLACE! My ideal home~ Lol. Unlike my house =x so colourful . HAHAHA!

After the time over at her place, cabbed down to meet my family for dinner.

Cute right?! :D
Dinner was FABULOUS! :D


Our last instruction week. :D Had our final presentation for the modules this semester! FINALLY! :D It went pretty well. :D But I was really reluctant to wake up. =x Anyway, day was fine. :D

After school, had this random notion to play mahjong at my place since we ended school early. :D It was pretty nice y0!
The ones who gamed more, lost money. Zzz At the end of the day, Stephanie and I won a few bucks because we won back our money during the second roung. Lol. :D Lucky us!!

So, while playing, we found out something really funny...

Fancy bullying my soft toys. HAHA! Treating them as their lucky charms siol... Wah lau~

Ok ok ok! :D No school tomorrow and Thursday~ So happy. Hehehe!!



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