Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stars in the Making. o.o

The title to this entry is oh-so-random~
Was asked to help with some filming for Gary, Stephanie, Limguan, Rachel and Daohong's Economic Project.
(Thank me thank me thank me!!!)

ANYWAY!! It was really fun and pretty interesting~ Other than the many funny and long dry runs of the skit, the filming was really fast. :D Professional actors&actresses in the making. HAHA~
(Hope you guys score pretty pretty pretty for this project to credit all your hard work and of course, MINE~ Haha.)


Getting ready...

Blue coloured 10 buck notes anyone? Lol.

Gary, Stephanie and Limguan~

It was freaking windy today... Good for us but pretty bad and too noisy for the filming. Lol.

Knowing the scripts of their own and of others...

One of the NG shots~ HAHAH! All giving me the "why are we stuck here?" look.
Damn funny..
It goes something like this;
Gary sort of changed his line, which was supposed to be a cue for me to shift my camera, and we were all stunned because I didn't know what he meant with the change~ HAHAH! And continued looking at him, stunned too...
*When the project is over, maybe i'll upload the video. ;)*

Second scene...

Second scene was superb~ Haha. One shot K.O! :D And this excludes one NG Daohong had. Superrrrrr cute. Haha.

After filming it was time to TAKE PICTURES WOOOOOOOOOOO~ Haha.

Stephanie took a picture for us. HAHA~ Don't sad luh, I add you in. ;)

People in black! =x

The group.

Gary, Stephanie, Rachel, Limguan and Daohong.




Fun times. :D

Look at Stephanie! HAHA.
Dancing ah Steph? Lol.

Candid... Lol.

It's either Gary did that on purpose or accidentally did a split. HAHA~
(Look at Rachel)

So after all our group continual self-timed shots. Someone decided to change the background and it end up becoming a model shooting thing. HAHA!
(At least it's something different...)

Have a good laugh. =x We had hell lot of fun please! Haha.

First up, Limguan Stephanie and Gary.
The normal, fierce and the joker. Lol.

Rachel joins in. :D

A random shot.

Suave? Lol.
Stephanie did the positioning of the models while I did the photo taking. hehehe.

Cutie pie and the cocky but still can't-contorl-i-wanna-smile face. LOL.

The kiddy and more natural look. ;)

The shy and shy look. lol.

We had to make her laugh to bring out that smile in the second picture. Lol. Lame girl. =x


Lingerie advertisement? LOL!
Look a tad like one if they really are in.... =x

After which, they started laughing saying that it looked like some wedding photo. HAHA!

One man two wives? Lol.
Daohong, later your friend sad ah. Lol.

Not emo shot okayy~ It just turned out like this because of Gary's facial expression. Lol.

Granted the want for a possible wedding photo. HAHAH. Had a really great great time laughing.
Got the feel not? Lol!
(This angle damn nice leh Daohong!)

Girls just wanna have fun. :D

Wrong dress code today pleaseeeeeeeeeeee~



"Forget it, Steph I take you alone better, Gary spoils the picture." Haha.

Do re mi fa soooooooooooooh~

Nice bg. ;)

Walking to another scene. Lol.

Wanna see our fashion poster? LOL!
Just my favourite and best(I think) two!
click to view a super clear view, best viewed using either safari or google chrome.


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