Monday, January 19, 2009

My Class. :D

The weather in Singapore has been G-R-E-A-T~
Windy, chilly, nice, occasional humid and hot but overall still pretty cooling. ;)

I hope this weather can last long. =x But actually, it's a wonder what's going on to the earth. Lol. It's so rare and pretty weird to have such pretty weather for so long...

ANYWAY~ School was normal? Had Data Communications & Networking test early in the morning. Glad I could handle it. ;)
Supposedly planned to drop by Junction8 after elective class with Stephanie to have her phone masked but, their test lasted for an hour. Waited for Stephanie and the rest (I am exempted from elective). Because the test was pretty long, we dropped the idea of going Bishan and headed to have lunch before having our feedback for SBM done. ;)
Thank you, Edmond, for chatting with me the whole time while I wait for them.

Have uploaded about... 66 pictures. :D And pardon for my laziness; I didn't collage ANY pictures this time round. Merely had them all uploaded, RAW~~ Lol. Lazy for today. ;)

After feedback, helped to take a few shots of Gary chasing Fredrick for their Econs project. :D

Guess who this big head belongs to? =x

I think I might get stabbed for the next following pictures... LOL!
(Please don't k? Lol. Just too cute laaaaaaa.) (;




Spot the cutie pie. *pukes*

Now you get TWO cutie pies~~ *pukes even more*


What's worse than having TWO cutie pies?


THREE!! Lol. *vomiting blood right now*
(I am actually not supposed to be uploading these pictures as I've told the guys. But, CAN'T HELP IT LA. Lol. Too cute to resist. =x)

&The shooting begins~


Alright, so after all those time laughing at each other, headed back for tutorial... Tutorial was pretty much chaotic. Almost the whole class was distracted, totally not in the pay-attention-during-class mood. Lol.

I guess it's the fact that this Semester is coming to an end, I don't exactly feel like going to school at all. =x And can you believe it? In about... 3 months' time, we'll all be in Poly for the second year!!! Bahhh~
Pardon for that random-ness. Let's get back to pictures~

After tutorial, which ended like 30minutes before the stated time, we started to snap each other. Or rather, I started to take snap shots of my classmates. ;) We also took a few decent photos.. Nice~~


Gary's gonna get me for this...

Oh-so-engrossed in the Men's Health Magazine. :D

Wonder why they are all so interested in the magazine. x.x

While a few were chatting, reading magazine, the others were being diligent and getting their project done.

Limguan and Sheryl~

Limguan complained that her face looked big in the previous picture - so, she decided to have her face covered in all instead. Lol.


Syuhada joins in the fun!

Favourite and bookmark!

Back to serious work; to take a proper picture of Gary's Econs group again...

I like this picture... Looks pretty professional to me. Lol.

The backdrop will be changed to some resort~~ Wooooooooo...

Good that he didn't bend down . ^^

Mr. Braces~ ;)

All not ready yet leh Gary~~ -.- Always trying to do funny things to make us look ugly. Lol.


Like couple right? Lol. =x
Stephanie ahhh. Better watch out okay~ Later DH's friend get upset than you know~~ ;)

And Gary spoils the pretty picture!! Lol.

Gary, you really have a huge head...

Best way to avoid Gary's harrasements attempt to spoil our picture. HAHA!


-.- ACT CUTE! Lol.

Self timer.. In which, no one was willing to join in the fun. :( Boohoo.

Involving Darius and Gary!

Then Terrence..

Who was preparing for his final driving Theory test. Shocked. :D

Gary had his fun and i had my fair share of it...

See what I mean? Lol.


And then again. :D

After all time wasted, we finally headed down to have our lecture which we were really reluctant to attend. x.x


After lecture, headed down to Junction8 to have the phone masked and have our.. lunch? Gary came along to check out some shoes...
And, Stephanie introduced two of her friends to us;
It was pretty fun mocking Stephanie with her friends. =x Lol! Though they might not read this, it was still nice to know them. :D

Alrighty~ I'm almost lost for words...

Our favourite lecturer/tutor.

On a random note;
Have you ever wondered how things might be different if it weren't the same as it is right now? I have no idea why I've been thinking - I missed somethings in my life, and really would wanna get back to see how life would be if i hadn't chose what I've chosen. But then again, no one can turn back time to redo or undo what they've done.
Anyhow, I really do hope things can be better and maybe start all afresh.
毕竟我们曾经拥有过那些美好的回忆, 我将永远铭记于心。。。
(erhum. Please please please don't read too much into this random notion.)


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