Steph and I during class right now. :D
"/* i was blogging halfway, nd i gt disturbed by this person, Jasmine Chua JingQi. damn irritating, she saw me blogging nd she herself gt tempted t blog. &still ask me take pict w her. i shall upload ltr ;p */"
Quoted from Steph's Blog. :D
Hello hello hello! :D
Am currently in Statistics Class, obviously not paying attention to our tutor. =x Hehehe. Well, was kindda influenced by Stephanie to blog. Lol~ She's blogging right beside me now. ^^ Looks fun and interesting out of the sudden. LOL!
Have been pretty much inactive in blogging lately;
So, here's a better update. BOO!
Anyway, yesterday was the day O'level results(2008) was released. I think I was more anxious than my friends who're getting their results. Haha. Well, most of them did average(At least not very very bad luh...). :D
PS: Just be content with your results and do your best in future~ Os is only a minor stepping stone, you've got a longer road to walk through in future. :) :) :) Jiayou, Jiayou, JIAYOU!
(Stephanie's webcam-ing right now; looks a tad like some retard. =x She's gonna get me for this. LOL!)
School has been mundane and boring as usual. Just got back our Statistics ICA1 result - I've done pretty well; thank goodness~~ Not being bastard-y but I honestly feel that I've been slacking too much this semester.
Steph ah! Faster go study together lehhhhh~~~
Planned to get some work done after school yesterday but, Steph and I choice to accompany some of our friends who just got their O's results instead.
Wanted to go look for XIAOXUAN~~ But but but, she got company already. BOO! So, I end up spending the rest of my afternoon, SLACKING and watching TV~ -.-
Probably going shopping for CNY with EC Mates this Saturday. ^^ Hopefully, I can get one more top to finish my CNY shopping. BOOYAH~~~ Hehehe.
&&& Let's hope we get to take a few pictures - for me to upload up my blog. ;)
[ I realise I'll lose my mood to blog if I've got no pictures to upload. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( Bad habittttt. ]
These two weeks will be stressful puh-leaseeeeeee~ -.-
Alrighty, I'm long winded enough for today. Heheh.
PS: What should I do about this whole situation to help you, and stop all these-?
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