Could have been wayyyyy better without the chaotic traffic, waste-my-time traffic jams, impulsive drivers, stupid crowd and the wet weather.
For 4days, or maybe 3 days, shopping was the main thing we did. :D However, I have to say that this time round; I don't have much of a kick shopping. LOL!
Though my leg sore like hell every night. x= Lol.
Most places we went were pretty much of a turn-off with; COUNTLESS NUMBER OF PEOPLE FLOODING THE MALLS!!!!
Seriously, it's like half of Singapore's population(Maybe not so extreme) in the mall. *roll eyes* Even the thought of it annoys me. (I hate crowds, gives me headaches.)
Otherwise, malls that doesn't have much crowd, has shops selling branded goods. x.x Burberry, Gucci, Coach, Guess, Hugo Boss and yadah yadah.
I would say MidValley is the best among the few we've went. Followed by Times Square. Lot 10 and another is kindda like Fareast in Singapore. Double the size of Fareast but triple the crowd size. Zzz
But anyway, didn't get to buy any gifts or such. Only bought three tops and a blazer. ;)
Christmas Gifts shopping, anyone? :/
& I EYED A CLARKS HEEL!! REALLY NICE! But, didn't buy. x.x
Alrighty! Nothing much to blog already, will just rant along with the pictures I've uploaded.
OHOH! Just remembered. =x
Though KL's pretty big, bumped into a few familiar faces!
Met Pinky(Previous Eng. tutor) on Day1. Met my ex-collaegue(Cynthia, if I'm not wrong) on the second and a guy who had helped us with buying of our luggages 2 weeks back on the last day! HAHA! So coincidential.
70 pictures up ahead. Enjoy~
First and only challenging picture I took. Lol. The bus was really fast k! ;)
Pardon for the raindrops. Lol. It was raining la. Spoiler! =x
When I turn to face my right, this is who I'll see.
Crazy little blackie. =x
Poor Xiaoxuan; for all 4days, she had to tolerate my nonsense and my teasing her dark. Lol.
FINALLY!! And because KL was like 220KM away, I allowed my fatigue to take over and took a little nap...

Allowing this meanass to take shots of me sleeping. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
I'll get my revenge, you'll see. :D
One of the traffic jams we had to sit through grumbling.
Total time to reach our hotel; 9hours!!! Zzz

Random pictures.
Though we reached KL pretty late, the hotel rooms were still unprepared. Thus, we left our luggage at the hotel and headed to do some shopping at the nearby malls. :D It was raining heavily when we were halfway through. :(:(:(:(:( Good thing I bring my umbrella everywhere I go. =x HAHAHA! Got into one of the malls and met Pinky!! Haha.
Boy, I'm really envious of her good relation with her family and cousins. She was there with 30 other cousins! :( I WANNA HAVE A BIG&CLOSE FAMILY TOO!
Christmas is nearing!
After squeezing through the terrible crowd, we had our early dinner and headed back to our hotel. &FINALLY, WE CHECKED IN!! :D
The room. It's not really big but it's good enough for 3.

Then, as the adults start unpacking our luggage, Xiaoxuan and I started to take many many pictures! Lol.

Killed time watching tv and just... resting.

Nooooooooooooooo! :D
And the next thing I know, Xiaoxuan and I were fighting. Lol.

Crazy girl. Lol.

After resting a while in the hotel, which seemed like a few hours, we headed out again!
Woooooooooooo! ;) Leaving my dad in the room. hehehe.
First stop, the Rimba spa in the hotel. ;)

Made an appointment, and we'll be back! Hoohoo!
Are you gamed? ;)
Aftermath, OUT SHOPPING! Woot!

Times Square~
Watched "Tattoo World" and slept around 1am with a freaking sore in the feet! Lol.
Survivor for Breakfast; TAY XIAOXUAN!
Ate a total of 14 types of food and 3 types of egg! Lol.
Headed back to our room for a rest after breakfast and waited for my mother's friend to come over. :) Then, we headed to some temple before going over to MidVally. hehehe.

Off we go!!
MidValley is like... 3 times our VivoCity! Damn big! We couldn't finish shopping the whole mall because we had to leave like... 4 hours later? Lol. Had this uncle to drive us around that day. :D

But anyhow, bought the middle top and a blazer. :D Didn't get the other two tops though I really like them. :(

Then, lunch was up! :D
It was fantastic! Lol. Really really delicious. Or maybe, it was because I was famished. Lol.
After 4 long hours, we headed back to our hotel for some rest. :D
Then, out for more shopping! Yay-ness!
This time it was... Pavilion. :D The place was filled with branded goods.
The doors were really high! And when passing HugoBoss, I suddenly remembered about Gary. Lol.
Then, there was F21. GOODNESS! It's like... 3 or 4 times bigger than the shop size in Singapore!! When we went in, Xiaoxuan and I were Wow-ed. Lol.
Waiting for my mother. Nice ambiance. :)
Mother didn't get anything though. :(
Aftermath, strolled back to our hotel. Till then, my legs sore real badly. :( Lol. I could feel pain up till my knee please! :(:(:(:(:(:(:( Stupid flatfoot.
I have no idea what this girl is doing. Lol.
And again, we watched "Tattoo World" until 1am before having our eyes shut.
What a great morning, I thought.

Was asked to do some booking for some bus. Then, we end up sitting in the lobby instead of heading back to the breakfast queue. Damn, it was really long! Provide free breakfast, and you'll see what you'll get. :D

Was caught by my mother and had to head back to the longgggggggggggggggggggg queue. :(:(:(:(:(:(


Then, usual routine. Back to the hotel for a little rest before heading out again. Lol.

On the way to The Curve.
The journey took about an hour. And... I found someone sleeping!!! HOHOHO~
My time for revenge. HAHA!

The Curve is pretty much boring la. Lol. Nothing much to shop. But that's where I saw the lovely CLARKS HEELS!! :D

I thought about Steph right away and insisted on going in. :D
Oh, what colourful shades you have. :D

Michael Jackson, female version? LOL!
Don't know what to get me for Christmas and my Birthday? LOL.
This red camera might be just the right gift! HAHAH! I haven't gone through the specs though. :D But i think i'll still love it. HAHA!
Damn nice right? Lol.
If anyone get me this, you don't have to worry about any presents for any occassions for me for the new 2009!! HAHAAH!
x.x LOL! Xiaoxuan's CoffeeBean drink!
Walked a little more around and got two tops randomly. Lol. I totally lost the mood to shop. Then, took about and hour and a half to reach our hotel. Zzz Stupid traffic jam.
Back in the hotel and I started to play around with my new blazer! HOHOHO!

See our colour contrast? LOL!
Hate the fact that I'm so fair! LOL.

Love this picture leh! LOL. Other than the fact that I hugged her, IT TOTALLY SHOWED MY HAIR COLOUR... Woooooooo!

More pictures!! :):):):):):):):)

After the longgggggg morning, we laid in bed and someone slept again! HAHAH!
And guess what i did? Lol. I spend my boring hours tying plaits on Xiaoxuan's hair. :D

HAHAHH! She was near screaming when she woke up. LOL!
Then, we started wrestling again. HAHA!
Got ready and headed for spa! Woohoo! :D

First up, FISH SPA! :D
&See who chicken out? Lol.
Here's scary cat Xiaoxuan. =x HAHA! She already felt a little scared the day before. Lol.

Our before experience expression. Lol. Xiaoxuan expression's fake de la. LOL!
End up, my sister and I did it while Aunty Teo repleaced Xiaoxuan. HAHA!
We were than ushered to a really cosy room to have our body massage. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Massage was great siol! LOL.

Back to the room and I was attacked by gastric. Zzz Had a difficult time watching Reaper. Lol.
Crazy flasher playing with my blazer.
Then ended off our last night chatting till 3am. HAHA!
Good times are forever short-lived. 4days3nights soon ended. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Xiaoxuan was talking to some NewYorker and Aunty Teo asked me to take a picture. Too bad la, can't see the guy. Lol.
Slept through most of the journey. :D
(Don't worry la Xiaoxuan, no one will guess it.) HAHA!
Pardon for any spelling error or weird things I've typed. Lol.
PS: I wanna see you again lehhhh. LOL!
PS PS: It got me thinking.
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