Monday, November 03, 2008

:D Until U Love U. <3

Hello Hello Hello!!
Am here to blog because I'm boredddddd.
Started off today with a good start feeling extremely perky~ :D I was really jumpy in the morning. Hehe. Went to school for practical; which was average...

BUT! Something annoying happened; While doing 2/3 of my practical, my screen suddenly black out and the computer RESTARTED leaving me startled with an UNSAVED DOCUMENT. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( I almost screammmmm. The work gave me a splitting head k?
&&&People around me were laughing. Mean asses. Lol. Good thing there was Stephanie, sent me her copy so that I don't have to re-do the tedious work all over again. &I literally used her answers for the last question. =x

Looking forward to afternoon. :) Lessons, lecture and... project meeting. :):):) Hope we can finish the things I wanna achieve by today.

Alright, gotta go back to some chores now before heading back to school.

Take a look in the mirror
You're beautiful
Take a moment to love
The one you are
Learn to accept yourself
'cause this that's true
You can't love nobody else
Until u love u

:) The last song I heard before reaching home. :)
New favourite song. ;)

Enjoy your day people~

Happy happy happy.

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