Monday, September 10, 2007


got more pictures from Gary! (: post a few.

didn't know Serene was pointing ehs. LOLs.

had EMaths paper1 today. i think the paper is quite okay? (:
just hope i can get A1 for paper 1 =]
*pray hard ; paper 2 would be easy to do. ^^

after paper, teased those who had to stay back. hahas. then, went to Compass Point with Gary and Jiaxuan. was reluctant but i just can't resist the idea of going out. lols.
first, we accompanied Gary for a haircut. he went in to Supercut ehs ; $24.60 but he only paid $14.60. -.- careless counter and stupid Gary results to stuff like these. hahas.
guess how long i waited for Gary ALONE. 45minutes lorhs: FORTY-FIVE mintues got nothing to do. but i think i got even with him- kept teasing him about the "Shei guan" because i mistook his 'who cares' to 'water pipe' in chinese. hahas.
and a disgusting news! Jiaxuan mother and Garys' hair dresser thought i was his girlfriend. GOODNESS~ they must have doubt my taste ehs. LOLs. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

SEE! that's the childish Gary~

i'm matured lorhs. how can have him as a boyfriend? lols.

another point why it's impossible.

ratio of the head surface area = 3 : 1
trust me, it looks even bigger in real life. (:

bet he's gonna say: "Qian Da" and hit my head. lols.
tutor's here!

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