Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hello, Goodbye.

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Just got back from watching 'Hello, Goodbye' and I must say, I was impressed and very pleasantly entertained! Of course, I'm no critic (and can never be one!) to be giving any valuable reviews, but I enjoyed myself..

I have more often went for Musicals X than Theater Plays because there hasn't been a play that seemed interesting enough.. Lol. In fact, I think this could be my first time watching a commercial play!! My very first play is probably the one Lance cameo-ed in (read here!), for his hall. It was good too! Proud of that crazy friend. Lol.

ANYWAY! Saw the advertisements around and thought it could be interesting to go for something different once in a while. Not really because this play looked interesting enough to be honest... I kindda expected the storyline? It's a romantic-comedy, and most of them are pretty predictable. I guess it's their advertisements that caught my attention. :/

I'm glad Haniza was keen to catch it! :3 It's so difficult to find someone who's into musicals or plays within my circle of friends! Booooo...

It was a really nice play with plenty of funny scenes and dialogues, and some tear jerking moments (just a little, for a crybaby me). It's like watching a movie up-close with the actors! More dynamic with them really moving around the set. I got a shock when the female lead actually took off her top. LOL! I thought these revealing scenes only happens on screen! Hahaha. As mentioned, the storyline was cliche, but it was still entertaining. I'll never say no to chick flicks or love stories... Probably the nearest I can get to being in love. In some twisted way. :X

I like how the male character was awkward and.... weird? The way he stuttered and behaved. But I guess the drastic difference between the characters made the female character come off a little exaggerated... Too loud and unreal.

This will definitely not be my first and last play! In fact, I'm going for another play in less than a months' time. HEHEHE. Pangdemonium's X Chinglish X. Haniza has praised his plays, and I'm sure it would be good.

On an ending note, I'm kindda sad that I can never be a critic with my easily satisfied and entertained nature. Lol.

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