Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Afraid to Sleep

I have never been grateful for a good night's sleep before.

Until........., I stop getting good sleep.

Tonight, I fear to lay my head on my pillow. In a short span of 2 weeks, I've experienced major spinning when I open my eyes. This followed up with a full day of dizziness. I'll become dazed and feel unwell for the entire day.

Last night was the third time.

It was initially suspected vertigo until i tried doing the simple exercise of turning my head left and right while laying flat. The spinning was pretty severe. It made me wanna tear. I've learned a quick way to shorten the spinning, shutting my eyes tight immediately. But, i still feel unwell and giddy thereafter.

I am just staring at my bed right now, regretting all the times i took a good night's rest for granted. Thinking that it's what I deserve.

I don't.

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