ps: No Guan, no drinking atmosphere. HAHAHA.
Highlight for the night was Fredrick's 24 seconds! Since, well, he is now 24 (¬ 18 as he claimed!)~~~
Stopper went in so Stephanie had to do manual covering.
Kept leaking though. The last second looked like it could cover a shot's glass. :O
Rushed down to 313 to meet up with the girls before walking to Yingling's place. Joke how Stephanie asked us if she should alight at Orchard or Somerset to go to Somerset 313. No brain-er question right! LOL. So cute.
Yingling prepared foooooooooooood!!!!
Berry nice!
Credits to Fredrick for slicing them up nicely! ^^
So much food I can't even................
We even snacked a bit before walking up. :O I only ate a garlic bread and a pizza though. Hiakhiakhiak. Gave Fredrick a dare to finish all the food but no, he didn't do so because he said he might just die. Lol. Headlines on the newspaper we concluded: "Kids having wild fun, birthday boy dies from given dare - ate too much."
Why did it sound funnier when I said it there?!! >:(
The KPO lovers~
ps: As in kaypo, the busybodies.
Doreamon mahjong set!
Trying to capture with the background; Failed.
I have no idea what's with Stephanie pressing her face against the table.................
xD Necessary meme insert!
Guan finally reached Yingling's place two hours after we settled down around 10:30pm. Quickly prepared for the mini surprise! :D
Like this shot! :D
But... "handsome" ?!! Emily's too kind........
ps: I'm just kidding!
Sexy Guan unwilling to be holding the cake!
Guan trolled and teased Emily saying she'll burn her finger, putting the lighter near her hand. EMILY ALMOST SCREAMED!!!! Lol. That scardy cat!
Guan: "I must have a picture of me doing something!" *pose*
The awkward moment when you have no idea what to do as your friends sing the Birthday song!
Protecting his candles like a police should! LOL.
He look so happy here. :')
ps: Sorry, I'm getting tired. Brain deaaaaaaaaaad!
Making a wish now~
Take a look, there's at 3/4 of alcohol in this bottle.
After 24 seconds, half of this was gone.
Yingling, see how the pictures can see the liquor!!!!!!!!!!
Evil person who poured.
OH YA! I forgot to introduce~~~ This is Pudding. Why you ask?
Xiuqing: "你叫什么?"
*referring to Gongcha order*
Stephanie: "布丁奶茶" (Pudding Milktea)
Simply, it was Xiuqing asking her what she ordered but it can also sound like what's her name (Mandarin, pfft) and as lame as I always am, I started laughing and her name was then Pudding for the night and the other Stephanie with us was Milktea. HEHEHE.
Evil friends laughing
Evil friend who timed the 24 seconds with an iPhone!
&ME! :D
Last shot before I left!
It was a good night! Gary came to pick me after the celebration and we headed down for some supper (which I didn't eat, lol)!! Ended my week meeting handsome Lance, uglybestfriend Gary, pretty Yaping (as she happily accepts what my colleague commented) and robot John. :D Sweechoon-ed, crapped, chilled, and then home sweeeeet home. :)
OH OH! Something lame,
OH OH! Something lame,
Me: *coughcoughcough*
Gary: "Are you coughing?"
Me: "No, it's flu."
