Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Random Thesis.

Have been heading out a lot lately; with chores undone! =x

Yesterday was one of the days. ;) Sister took a long time to get ready!! Zzz
Met Yanling at our usual meet-up-stop and headed to the bus terminal. My sister actually left her Ez-link in one of the buses after morning jog! Zzz Careless dog. =x

Aftermath, went over to Tampines Mall to check out my wallet. Got a similar one instead; &I'm really upset though they kept saying the new one looks nicer. Zzz Shopped, and i got a top from Fox, before heading to Plaza Singapura.
Did a lot of things; shopped, had dinner, shopped, settled Yanling's phone, shopped and chatted.

Took pictures when we were on the way back only.

:D I had my fair share of shopping this time. ;)

The two stubborn Taurus.

Yanling & I.
Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I wasn't in the mood to take any shots yesterday. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

& Them again. :D

Didn't exactly go home straight after dinner. Bought some groceries from Carrefour and headed back to Hougang Mall because Yanling wanted to get a mp3! :D She made the salesperson, my sister and I laughed real lot! =x Boy, she really need to be brought out (to see the world/reality/whatsoever) more often. Haha.

&Nope, I'm not going to do the quiz, Yanling. :D
Promise me you will NOT go those kindda places with them. Pretty please? :/ I bet I'm not only the one worried here.

Sleeping late late & waking up early early recently;
I'm going to get bad complexions! :s

Slept around 2am last night and woke up at... 9am? :D Had an appointment with some guy in some employment agency with Jolene, Weishan and Yanling. The interview was alright, I guess?
But I'm having second thoughts about the job. =x
Lazy bone acting up on me again. :(

Had brunch at Compass Point, did a little shopping and headed back home to settle some gifts. :D We had a tough time deciding where to stay over for our upcoming outing!! Hope everyone's able to get together this time. :D
Ended the evening with Jolene&Weishan going for meeting (aww~) and Yanling having her nails painted. :D
Ended today with some nags and chores(not forgetting, blogging).

The last picture we took in the MRT station yesterday. :D With the bags of stuff I've bought. ^^

This two week's pretty packed with many many activities! :D I'm so happy to be busy & I hope I get insufficient rest(sleep). =x
Hope this time round, I can really really really really really give him his birthday dinner treat! :D
Hope the celebration's memorable and enjoyable! :D
Hope I won't go broke after the dinner with her! :D
& Hope the rest of my holiday's enjoyable enough. :D

When I got bored studying for my last paper, Accounting.

It's 12:57am now! Zzz Tuition tomorrow morning. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
If only it was a tad higher. =x Know why? Because you're a tough one. :D
Anyway, it's not the money but improvements, I see in you, that matters.


(Don't read the following, because you won't get it. Don't ask about it, because you still won't get it. Lol.)
It's coming back to haunt me again. Zzz I hate it when these overwhelming emotions and thought provoking situations happen. Zzz
If only I can shut them all off.
If only I can make it known.
If only I can just sleep and die peacefully.

I don't know why but I kindda miss the times in the past.
Friends are sometimes a little bit too troublesome.
If you actually bothered to read this; It'll all be over, sometime, somehow, someway. It's just me, being me, being silly, being girl-y. :D

Need some heart-to-heart talk!

I'll still smile my day through. :D
Because no matter what, the earth still rotates when I'm sad/angry/happy. :D

If only you understand...

Do me this favour, &please go away.

PS: Like I said-
It no longer matters;
As long as I'm there for all, I don't care who isn't there for me. I'm happy for who I am, what I do and both who&what I love.

Good Night.

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