Friday, July 25, 2008


This is stupid. LOL!
For the third time already;
I accidentally update my blog with some announcements for my class. Zzz
WRONG blog update for like the... THIRD TIME?! Silly me!
(It's good if you didn't get to see this silly act of mine. ;))


Anyway, second formal presentation tomorrow! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( For our Marketing Project this time. Hopefully, I'll take plenty of pictures &&& post them up! ;) Well, *pray hard* hope I'll not screw tomorrow's presentation.

Can't remember what I wanna blog already!!! Zzz

Shall go get some rest now.

Sick and tired of repeating myself. Sick and tired of repetition. I'm sorry. Give me a break. I want that long Semester break! Hate this stupid routine. Hate this fact and hate this EVERYTHING! Zzz


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