Friday, November 16, 2007

I miss Orchestra.

Hmm. I think I really miss SSS's Chinese Orchestra. Should have stayed overnight today, it feels good to be around juniors you are familiar with. Especially when they actually look up upon you - even if it means they just want a pair of listening ears. The best part is listening to them complain about how difficult it is to be a senior. Hahaha! Finally, they understand how we actually felt back then. LOL.
I still remember one of them telling me:
“I finally understand why you used to nag at us so much just to attend CO.”
haha! See how tough it actually is to be a senior when your juniors skips CO practice and simply do not listen to you? haha. It'll be over girls, it will be all over soon. (: By then, you'll miss the times. Trust me. (*

Well, CO certainly has groomed the once incompetent, the crowd shy and the somewhat hostile person to the Jasmine I am now. (: Of course, I have to save some credits for Prefectorial Board and Infocomm Club. I guess I've learnt a million from the things around me in Serangoon Secondary School.

Wait, what am I doing now?! lol. What a time to talk about school. Can't blame me too, I am someone very grateful to the things and people that were good to me. haha! But ya, I actually miss the days in school. xD Well, at least I'm not idling everyday and spending my parents' money like no one's business. I feel bad okay. (*

Damn. I’m feeling very sick right now. ): What a thing to end of my day.

Anyway, we’ve watched “Bratz” today. Alright, I think it’s a typical girls-only movie but the storyline is similar to “High School Musical”. Just a little. Only that “Bratz” is not so much about relationship of the opposite genders but just girls.
Gary, you should have joined us. It would have been so much better if four girls were to watch it together. xD It would be just like the story! Haha.

The starting of the movie made me think about the time JJAR was separated. Well, changes in life are inevitable. We have to learn and accept this fact, isn’t it? (:

Feeling sick and tired now. Aww~ Early wake tomorrow.

My bed is sending me something and the signal is really strong. Ahh! So lame.

Nights people! (:

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