Sunday, July 22, 2007


two days ago, we had our Racial Harmony Day!! (:
ahhhh~ great day! my first time wearing enthic costume~ hahas. all thanks to Haniza. =]

the Beijing students are really lucky to witness this event during their visit! hahas. okay, as they say: "A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words" so, let the pictures do the talking. lols.

it was so unfair la! all these pretty ladies were wearing heels~ HMPH! lols.
gosh. i really look short. XD

the four Beijing students with their buddies and the great teacher-in-charge! hehs.

me and elegant Yanling. she was also on heels!

NPCONCC! hahas. self-timed with the wrong position because mr Wong soohou shifted the camera a little when he press on the start button. ^^

i simply love the time spent with them! =]
and, i can't help it but spot the one who spoils the picture~ forever de. sighs.

being spastic.

me and red moomoo the COW! hahas.

Soohou Cindy and Jasmine. (:

Jagroop's always nice to me! hahas.

we're one happy class with pretty babes and handsome hunks! hahas.
*it feels bad to lie even for once in a while. hahas.

after Physics lesson. (:
Weishan really look Malay ya? hahas!

EB's fun fun silly companions~

Weishan, Sebestian and me! where's your daddy, Sebestian? lols.

the Motherly JOLENE! she's a sweet little girl. hahas.

i like this picture. ^^

aw~ i suddenly miss those days spent in lower sec. hahas. with these crazy people. XD

me and Black Pepper Sausage! hahas.

me and Bucky the best "Neighbour"!! hahas.
NPCONCC girls!
horny bitch, mean bitch, toot and noisy bitch!! hahas.
it's really a wonder how we can become so close only after two years in SSS. hahas.
she never fail to make me smile!
the great head! hahas.
love her to bits! (:

being part of executive committee really rocks the life of a prefect!

(: sweeeeet! hahas.

me and my mother who never gives me allowance! hahas.

the great old man~ (:

Zhiyu and ME! hahas.
i finally look a little taller than this giraffe~ =X

Darius, Me, Krist and Uncle Soohou~

so, i'll end of with this lame picture! hehs.

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