Friday, September 08, 2006

my sis stink!

gosh. really cannot take her. just because i wanna play audition for a while and is obviously going to sit on the chair she was sitting, she showed attitude. well, i didn't point a gun at her dumb head or even show evidence of force when i was actually asking her. in fact, she can use her filthy mouth to reject the idea of sitting on her chair. it's not as if i'm gonna demand her or even slap her for not letting me sit on that chair.
just like last night. well, i didn't step on her tail for sure.

i was like finish watching a movie and was on my way home with yanling. we pass by the "pasa malam" and i sort of thought of buying my sister the handphone cover with only good intentions. called her, no answer. so, i called my mother to ask for her. guess what she said.

"what larhs" she dragged her sentence in such a irritating way. then, i asked her and she told me to help her choose. i obviously cannot describe her attitude but i think she knows the best. ohh! maybe if i start talking about this, her reaction will definitely be "what larhs, where got?" isn't she irritating?

that's the return for being good. hais. don't know what that irritating dog is thinking at all.

hais. how to even live well with her in a nice way? she can act as if she can't hear me but it's so obvious. isn't she dumb and idiotic?

sometimes, i cannot take her. reach home so late, wanna rest but she wanna make me blow at her. then, when i blow she will say i always say her, always ask her to do things, always ask her to this, always ask her to that. it's like all in the past le lorhs. she's twelve but she's so childish. very childish. fancy throwing tantrum to my parents too. she's just such an ass. how i wish i was the only child. at least there won't be people bothering me like an insane dog.

she wants people to treat her accordingly to her mood but what about her? does she even think? she also likes to act infront of her friends when they are in our house. hais. what an idoit. urg! can't stand her. always screaming and bossing one of her friends around as if she's really that big. also, she likes to bug us when my friends came over. hais. she's an ass.

anyway, i'm pissed because she totally spoilt my mood. i'm not gonna talk to that insane dog. or, i'll blow.

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