Wednesday, September 06, 2006

have you ever...?

hmms. i also don't know why i suddenly wanna post about this title.. hahas. maybe because of the book i've read last night bahs. the one that has creeped me twice. couldn't really fall asleep either.. tsktsktsk. hahas.

well, have you ever met someone who encourages you to hang out with him/her more so as to do nasty things to the opposite gender? these people are phsyco. lols.

have you ever committed something really really bad (like.. murdering someone??) which made it a need to migrate, to transfer school? maybe some people do this to hide the fact of the ugly truth and start afresh bahs. hahas.

have you ever felt relieve revealing your ugly past to someone you know you can trust but you have not known long enough? have you ever start loving someone you barely know well?

actually, the best part of the book is when the author's "girlfriend" is lost and he tries his very best find her but people around him are suspecting him for the lost of the girl. tsktsktsk.

have you ever lost someone you know you have fallen in love with just a few days ago? have you ever been accused for something you have never and couldn't have committed just because of your past?

i guess, the best book around is one that is about the author's actual life experience. especially when they are writing it while experiencing it, just like a diary or a journal. have been hooked up with that book, that whole series of it. hais. so sians arhs!! sians until i got nothing to post sia. hais.

i think later free then post again? hehes. BORING!!!!

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