Thursday, August 31, 2006

YEAHS! it's over!

yeaps, today is teacher's day celebration. most of our hard work has finally been paid off. it's been such a long preparation for a one-hour performance. hahas.

during the preparation, we have been staying back in school till seven plus to rush through the things. also, we have to coordinate with band to perform. its been a tedious route for me because i was the one who thought of the idea to merge with band but at first, it didn't turn out okay. like mentioned, the merging was like clash lorhs.

i admit that i was in the wrong to not discuss but make decisions on our own. i'm sorry. but, what is done is done.. i can't turn back time and ask you again right? i really am stress. just like her. but i am also lost. i don't know what to do. i'm like really losing my edge. if people wanna treat me as though i'm invisible, please don't ask me to be involve in anything. then, i won't be bothered at all.

yesterday's rehersal was fine. at least we were able to play the song we got hold the last minute. she's not happy because we kept changing the songs. i'm not the one who's chaging the songs. don't treat me the way you already is. i'm tired. more tired than you are. do you understand? why must i see your back when i'm talking? why can you face her when she's talking but not me? is it fair to me? you always say i'm neglecting you but what about this time? i know we can't go back to the past but at least start afresh? if you are reluctant to start a fresh, then please let me know.. don't let me go on like a fool thinking about what is happening again. hais.

anyway, today i wore blazer. so fun! hahas. ohh yeahs! the slide show i've combined is sort of rejected. so sad. hais.

well, today fangying usher mdm ong so cute. he hid the roses behind him and gave it to mdm ong after giving the souveniers we made. hahas. then he put up his hands like those you see when couples are going to marry. hahas. saw mdm ong's reaction. so cute! hahas. she also hook on to fangying's hand. lols. i felt so nervous before ushering the NIE teacher. was suppose to usher the HOD but endup ushering a NIE teacher. almost everything went wrong but still, i was glad i didn't fall other than the teacher bumping into me. hahas. after ushering, i rush back to back stage and took my shirt before rushing back to the games room to change.

then, we waited for a while before going up to stage again to perform. guess what, i couldn't play lorhs. so embarrassing. hahas. then, we packed up and went to watch the SL (student leaders) finish up the concert. saw mingkwang they all and went to talk to them. hahas.

after the whole concert, we went to keep our instruments. =] then we were chased out. lols.

then, i went home change and went out with my family. i love the pastries in the buffet! hahas.

now, one performance is down two more to go and one event planning down another two more to go. hahas. TIRED!!

okay larhs. think i'll end here le. nites! muaccks!

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