Saturday, August 05, 2006

flag day!

yet another yet to do flag day. as usual, my tin is not heavy at all.

woke up rather late at around 0800 when i was suppose to be at compass point's macdonald at 0830. rushed to tidy up and get ready, drank my milo and walked briskly to the MRT train station. on my way to the mrt station, messaged gary and found out that i wasn't the latest for that point of time at least. hahs!

i was on the dot! hahs. when i reach the station, the train was going to arrive in one minutes time so, i didn't miss it! reached compass at around 0840++ and walked my way to macdonald. well, i was the latest. when i reach the macdonald, soohou, jiaxuan, jianhui, siewming and lynn was insight. then, i came to know that the 3N1 students were also doing flag day with us. asked for gary and found out he was in the toilet curing his tummy ache. time passed and he was back. bought our breakfast and again, i was the slowest. hahs! by the time the rest finished their food, it was about 0906+ so, i took my ice-milo and wet up to meet the rest of our mates. saw the rest and some talking about cards that seems to be outdated long ago. our form teacher was not found. so, we slacked. gary and soohou was teasing lynn about her being a spirit and them seeing only a pink hello kitty bag flying around.
tired of waiting, jianhui and koonkit sat down and started playing their cards. gary and soohou were still teasing lynn when she came to stand beside me. for a while later, a bundle of dust dropped as the uncle who was cleaning hit his broom. it hit lynn! the two teaser were laughing their heads off saying that even the uncle can't see her standing there. hahs! then, our form teacher appeared.

took attendance, waited for the rest and went to collect the tin. fooled around and something real surprising shocked us. ?? lols. one of our classmate who is forever absent was present. hahs. kid with fangying tealling him that i should have bet ten bucks on him coming to the flag day!

after the few of us collected our tins, we went to the mrt station. wanted to wait for lynn and siew ming but end up did not but met them again in hte mrt station. hahas. we were wondering where to go at first while soohou suggested the airport and i suggested raffles place. we end up going to bishan. the place where some rich people are all around but not willing to trust donations anymore. =]

anyway, we tried doing flag day in some places but end up doing door-to-door donations due to the rising number of people found doing the same thing and some other. because i was lazy at first, me and soohou stayed in the spot. i felt like an idiot as i stood there waiting for people to give me donations. wanted to go up to people and ask for donations but many walked away as soon as they saw i make a step forward. maybe it's because of certain incident that happened in the past that made them not trust being kind and donating to charities.
at that point of time when i was standing, i remembered an article our english trainee teacher told us to reflect about and found out that general singaporeans are rude but there are still a handful of us that are polite.
there were two JC students who were also doing flag day but for a different association. they walked passed me and soohou three times and one thing good, they donatedfor me! hahs! maybe they know how tough it was to ask for donations. hmms. at first, we thought these two guys were secondary students but one of them wore their school tee-shirt which reads "anderson junior college". don't wanna offend anyone but really, they looked like one of us. =]

anyway, wanted to meet weishan they all at plaza sing at first to give rufi a surprise birthday celebration but we end up going back to the place we collected our tins. went to four leave to buy the cake and make a big round before we went near the place to return the tin. gary went to borrow lighter while we get ready the cake. eveything turn out fine but i regret buying such a big cake because holding on the hand doesn't seem to work much at all. some of us end up playing with certain sectors of the cake. all because of my idea of giving rufi some cream on her face. well, at least she's happy.

after that, we wanted to eat in compass point but in the end because i promised serene that i'll be there with her at the bus stop, we went to hougang mall to have our lunch. during our meal, fengni came down. after we eat, all of them came over my house. gary and jianhui here to do alice while jiaxuan came to complete the duty roster board and fengni to study which seems to be slacking. hahas.

they left at 2000+ and i started to get ready to go to bed. so here i am posting, the last thing i'm doing for tonight before i go to bed. =]

hehs. till the next time, buh bye! hehs.

sians. tomorrow got tuition again! urg..

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