Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Study, NO MORE!

Although I'm left with one more paper, I'm gonna relax for the time being!! YAY!
Can't believe Os is going to end soon. Last night, we recalled having to panic for not being prepared for the long-awaited Os few weeks ago- but now, it's going to end! haha. We've come a long way..

Played pool yesterday (I'm as bad as usual), went for interview and had dinner outside.
Interview was long! Stood infront of the stall for almost an hour? Well, at least Jiaxuan and Yanling applied for it. The job is not my cup of tea, too much standing(i'm flat footed, a real bother!). Then, we walked all the way from Paragon to Plaza Singapura before deciding to dine at Ajisen. We had lots of fun as usual, espeically when Yanling's around. XD

Talking about dinner, let's do a guessing game! (:
Guess what is the green leafy thingy in the picture.

If the picture is unclear, click on it okay? (:
By the way, the picture is taken from Ajisen's menu.

Yesterday was Social Studies paper. The paper is a piece of cake. The only criteria to actually score that paper is to study and spot the right topic. I actully spotted the right topic but I gave up studying. What a waste. A good thing I've written a brief notes about that topic or it'll be a total screwed up paper.
Caught some bugs last friday and I'm still sick like crazy. *sighs.

I can' wait for Friday to come!!! (: But before all that, I've to do some spring cleaning. Gosh, I hate that phase.
Back to the green leafy thingy. It's wasabi! Guess what Yanling thought it was? LOL! She though it was a mooncake. -.- LOL.

By the way, Yanling wants me to say this badly; "She said it was a mooncake because she wants to entertain us. Trying to make us happy. She's not at all dumb, silly or foolish." haha!

Ahhhh. I'm hungy!
Off to have breakfast!

P.S: Alright, enough about Snow White. TSK! I'm not the leader la! LOL.

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